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This Repo contains various coding problems in computer science

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This repo contains DS & Algo problem solutions

Python knowledge base:

Problems List:


  1. Valid Paranthesis - Easy
  2. Build Stack with list - Easy
  3. Build Stack Operations with linkedlist - Easy
  4. Simplify Paht - Medium


  1. Queue implementation using list - Easy
  2. Build Circular Queue - medium


  1. Best time to buy and sell stock - Easy
  2. Product of Array Except Self - Medium
  3. Longest Consecutive Sequence - Medium
  4. Boats to save People - Medium
  5. Optimal Partition of String - Medium
  6. Meeting Rooms1 - Easy
  7. Meeting Rooms 2 - Medium

Two Pointers:

  1. Valid palindrome - Easy
  2. 3Sum - Medium
  3. Longest substring without repeating Char - Medium
  4. Remove nth node from end of the list - Medium
  5. Sort Colors - Medium

Fast and Slow Pointers:

  1. Detect Cycle LinkedList - Easy
  2. Happy Number - Easy
  3. Middle of a single linkedlist - Easy
  4. Palindrome LinkedList - Easy

Sliding Window:

  1. Repeated DNA Sequence - Medium
  2. Sliding Window Maximum - Hard
  3. Minimum Window Subsequence - Hard

Merge Intervals:

  1. Merge Interval - Medium
  2. Insert Interval - Medium

Binary Search:

  1. Binary Search - Easy


  1. Reverse a single linked list - Easy
  2. Rotate list - medium
  3. Add Two Numbers - medium


  1. Binary Tree Inorder Tree Traversal - Easy
  2. DFS Tree Trversals - Easy
  3. DFS Tree Traversal Iterative - Easy
  4. Invert Binary Tree - Easy
  5. BFS or Level order traversal - Easy
  6. Maximum depth of a Btree - Easy

Heaps Or Priority Queues:

  1. Find kth largest element from a stream of numbers - Easy
  2. K Closest points to origin - medium


  1. Island Perimeter - Easy
  2. DFS with adj matrix Recursive - Easy
  3. DFS with adj list Recursive - Easy
  4. Graph Implementation with adj list - Easy
  5. Graph BFS - Easy
  6. Graph DFS iterative - Easy
  7. Graph DFS recursive - Easy
  8. Number of islands - Medium
  9. Topological Sorting - Easy
  10. Detect cycles with topological sort - Easy

1-D Dynamic Programming

  1. Climbing Stairs - Easy
  2. Coin Change - Medium
  3. Min cost climbing stairs - Easy
  4. House Robber - Medium


  1. Maximum Subarray - Medium

Math & Geometry:

  1. Happy Number - Easy


  1. Best time to sell stock - Easy
  2. Group Anagrams - Medium
  3. Reorder Log files - Medium
  4. Roman to Integer - Easy


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