Hey There! Welcome to a College Project developed by Computer Science students - Flood Prevention ☔💧
What that project is? Let us explain to you :D
This is a Web Application that presents climate data in real time, with that information we can predicting possible floods and save people lifes
How it works 🤔
We have a Hardware with a microcontroller, two sensors and two actuators. All of this system is connected with our server, developed with Flask technology. With all components connected, it's possible see the weather forecast and climate data on our interface. The website interface contains a login, register, history and dashboard pages. Simple clients can access only dashboard page and consult the climate situation, if a danger situation is detected, the website issues an alert. Administrator clients can register, edit and remove other clients and devices (CRUD application).
Check out a little bit of our Frontend, if you want to see all of the project you can try a fork or clone 💻