Written by Yuta Maezawa and greatest contributors
Provide your local configurations at src/main/resources/config.properties
path_to_output_dir = outputs
path_to_subjects_dir = subjects
maven_home = /usr/local/apache-maven-3.3.9
maven_output = false
Make outputs
and subjects
directories and clone your project under the subjects
$ mkdir outputs
$ mkdir subjects
$ cd subjects
$ git clone https://github.com/mzw/vtr-example
$ mvn compile test-compile dependency:copy-dependencies
$ sh/run dict vtr-example
$ sh/run cov vtr-example
$ sh/run detect vtr-example
2-1. Classify Detected Test-Case Modifications by GumTreeDiff
$ sh/run cluster gumtreediff
$ sh/run cluster testedness
$ sh/run cluster add-patterns-for-testedness
$ sh/run visualize html
$ sh/run validate vtr-example
$ sh/run gen vtr-example
$ sh/run repair vtr-example
(C) Yuta Maezawa 2017