# Terminal 1
# Launch ROS
# Terminal 2
# Launch Habitat Simulation Platform
cd ICRA-RM-Sim2Real/docker_server
sudo docker start sim2real_server
cd ~/ros_x_habitat_ws/src/ros_x_habitat/
python3 src/scripts/roam_with_joy.py --hab-env-config-path ./configs/roam_configs/pointnav_rgbd_roam_mp3d_test_scenes.yaml
# Terminal 3
# Launch ep_description
cd ICRA-RM-Sim2Real/docker_client
sudo docker start sim2real_client
roslaunch ep_description ep_description.launch
roslaunch buct_navigation navigation.launch
The TF message between odom and base_link is published by robot_localization.
There are three input sources of odometry:
- laser_scan_matcher_odometry, which publishes /lsm_odom topic
- wheeled odom, which publishes /ep/odom topic
- IMU, which publishes /imu/data_raw topic
You can see the detailed configuration in /buct_navigation/param/localization/odom_to_base.yaml
I used iris_lama_ros to localize the robot.
The input laserscan data topic is /rplidar/scan.
You can see the detailed configuration in /buct_navigation/param/teb
rosrun buct_detect detect_cube.py
Message published in topic /buct/target_list
roslaunch buct_navigation multi_goals.launch
roslaunch buct_navigation slam.launch
Configuration files in buct_navigation/param/cartographer
# Launch ep_description
cd ICRA-RM-Sim2Real/docker_client
sudo docker start sim2real_client
roslaunch ep_description ep_description.launch
# Launch bag
roslaunch buct_navigation positioning_and_navigation_bag.launch
Be careful with "bag_filename" in positioning_and_navigation_bag.launch