Weatherly is a feature-rich weather application providing live weather updates, a favorite cities tracker, search history, dynamic weather maps, and weather-related news for users. It is built with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Node.js, and integrates various APIs for real-time functionality.
- Search for any city to view current weather data, including:
- Temperature
- Weather conditions (e.g., clear, cloudy, rainy)
- Humidity, Pressure, and Wind Speed
- Sunrise and Sunset times
- Add cities to your favorites list for quick access.
- Persistent storage of favorites using
- View your recent searches.
- Clear individual search entries or the entire history.
- Interactive map with weather overlays for:
- Temperature
- Wind Speed
- Precipitation
- Dynamic weather markers for searched cities.
- Displays the latest weather-related news articles from around the globe.
- HTML5, CSS3, Tailwind CSS: For responsive and modern UI.
- JavaScript: Interactive features and API integrations.
- Toastr.js: Notifications for user actions.
- Chart.js: Visualizing weather trends (e.g., temperature graphs).
- Node.js: Server-side logic.
- Express.js: API routing and server setup.
- OpenWeather API: Weather data.
- NewsAPI: Weather-related news.
- Leaflet.js: Interactive maps.
- Node.js (v14 or above)
Clone the repository:
git clone cd weatherly
Install dependencies:
npm install
Start the server:
npm start
Open your browser and navigate to:
├── .vscode/ # VSCode workspace settings
├── assets/ # Static assets (images, icons, etc.)
├── node_modules/ # Node.js dependencies (generated by npm install)
├── cityimages.html # Page for displaying city images
├── cityimages.js # JavaScript for city images functionality
├── favoritecities.html # Page for managing favorite cities
├── favoritecities.js # Logic for favorite cities functionality
├── index.html # Main landing page (dashboard)
├── live-map.js # Logic for interactive live weather map
├── livemap.html # Page for live weather map
├── news.html # Page for weather news
├── news.js # JavaScript for fetching and displaying news
├── package-lock.json # Auto-generated lockfile for npm dependencies
├── package.json # Project metadata and npm dependencies
├── # Project documentation
├── searchhistory.html # Page for viewing search history
├── searchhistory.js # Logic for managing search history
├── style.css # General stylesheet
├── style1.css # Additional stylesheet
├── tailwind.config.js # Tailwind CSS configuration
├── toggle.js # Logic for UI toggle functionalities
├── weather.html # Page for detailed weather information
└── weather.js # Logic for fetching and displaying weather data
## How to Use
### Searching for Weather
1. Enter the name of a city in the search bar.
2. Click "Search" or press "Enter".
3. View detailed weather information on the dashboard.
### Adding Favorites
1. Navigate to a city on the dashboard.
2. Click the "Add to Favorites" button.
3. View your favorite cities on the "Favorite Cities" page.
### Exploring Live Maps
1. Go to the "Live Map" section.
2. Use search to drop weather markers on specific locations.
3. Toggle weather layers to view additional information.
### Viewing Weather News
1. Open the "News" section.
2. Browse articles related to global and local weather.
## Future Enhancements
- User authentication for personalized experiences.
- PWA (Progressive Web App) support.
- Offline mode with cached weather data.
- Enhanced graphs and data visualization.
## Contributors
- [Mudra Bhedi](
## License
This project is licensed under the [MIT License](LICENSE).