In this challenge my goals are create API for cleansing data and make data analysis report from it. I use dataset from Kaggle: Indonesian Abusive and Hate Speech Twitter Text. It is Multi-Labeled Hate Speech and Abusive Indonesian Twitter Text by Muhammad Okky Ibrohim and Indra Budi (2019).
About Dataset About The original author GitHub: I upload it to Kaggle because I'm using it for my undergraduate project here. All credit to the original author.
Preprocessing The original author preprocess the data in 5 steps. Here's a kernel I make trying to replicate the preprocess steps done by the original author: Citation Cite the original author if you use the data:
Muhammad Okky Ibrohim and Indra Budi. 2019. Multi-label Hate Speech and Abusive Language Detection in Indonesian Twitter. In ALW3: 3rd Workshop on Abusive Language Online, 46-57. (Every paper template may have different citation writting. For LaTex user, you can see citation.bib).
Computer Science
Text Data
NLP Usability 9.71
License CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
Expected update frequency Never kB) About this file README from original GitHub
id-multi-label-hate-speech-and-abusive-language-detection About this data Here we provide our dataset for multi-label hate speech and abusive language detection in the Indonesian Twitter. The main dataset can be seen at re_dataset with labels information as follows:
HS : hate speech label; Abusive : abusive language label; HS_Individual : hate speech targeted to an individual; HS_Group : hate speech targeted to a group; HS_Religion : hate speech related to religion/creed; HS_Race : hate speech related to race/ethnicity; HS_Physical : hate speech related to physical/disability; HS_Gender : hate speech related to gender/sexual orientation; HS_Gender : hate related to other invective/slander; HS_Weak : weak hate speech; HS_Moderate : moderate hate speech; HS_Strong : strong hate speech. For each label, 1 means yes (tweets including that label), 0 mean no (tweets are not included in that label).
Due to the Twitter's Terms of Service, we do not provide the tweet ID. All username and URL in this dataset are changed into USER and URL. For each label, 1 means yes (tweets including that label), 0 mean no (tweets are not included in that label).
Due to the Twitter's Terms of Service, we do not provide the tweet ID. All username and URL in this dataset are changed into USER and URL.
For text normalization in our experiment, we built typo and slang words dictionaries named new_kamusalay.csv, that contain two columns (first columns are the typo and slang words, and the second one is the formal words). Here the examples of mapping:
beud --> banget jgn --> jangan loe --> kamu Furthermore, we also built abusive lexicon list named abusive.csv that can be used for feature extraction.
More detail If you want to know how this dataset was build (include the explanation of crawling and annotation technique) and how we did our experiment in multi-label hate speech and abusive language detection in Indonesian language using this dataset, you can read our paper in here:
How to cite us This dataset and the other resource can be used for free, but if you want to publish paper/publication using this dataset, please cite this publication:
Muhammad Okky Ibrohim and Indra Budi. 2019. Multi-label Hate Speech and Abusive Language Detection in Indonesian Twitter. In ALW3: 3rd Workshop on Abusive Language Online, 46-57. (Every paper template may have different citation writting. For LaTex user, you can see citation.bib).
License Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.