A nonce is a random string that is meant to be used just once. So, a case where a nonce is received more than once in a limited time period is considered an error.
This project is configured to be built with gradle. Please have Gradle 6.7.1 or later. on a terminal window, navigate to the folder where you cloned this project.
run gradle jar
That command should generate a jar file - nonce_checker.jar under build/libs folder.
Once the project is successfully built, you can run it with the following command:
java -jar nonce_checker.jar <FILE Path> (<nonceTTL>)
(< nonceTTL >)
is an optional parameter. If not provided, the cod ewill use 5 minutes.
If you execute the program without any parameters, the program will show how to use it.
You must provide a file path as a single parameter to run this code.
java gov.cdc.exercise.NonceChecker <FilePath> <nonceTTL>
- FIlePath is the path to the file to be processed
- nonceTTL (Optional:Default 5 min): is the time to live for a nonce. A duplicate within this time period
is considered a duplicate. (pass values in minutes)