This repo consists of some scripts and Terraform examples to showcase the different security and governance features within Microsoft Azure and M365. If using the built-in examples that are defined the Azure deployment will deploy the following components
- Log Analytics Workspace
- Azure Automation
- Virtual Network
- NSG Flow Logs and Traffic Analysis
- Backup Vault and Backup Policy
- Azure Policies
- Windows VM with Public IP address (NOTE: THE VM IS PUBLICALY AVAILABLE WITH NO FIREWALL for demonstration purposes)
- Azure Web Application Gateway with Custom Firewall Rules
- Azure Sentinel
- Azure Update Management
NOTE: Since this is only for demonstration purposes it deploys a VM with public facing IP and should only be used for demo or educational purposes (and or inspiration)
Since most of the examples are either using Terraform/PowerShell scripts I recommend reading up on Terraform and how to create a service principal/using Managed Identity or Key Vault with defined secrets which are used during runtime.
So the use of these script require that you define a service principal to use against the different API's
Some useful tools and powershell modules
Install-Module Microsoft.Graph Update-Module Microsoft.Graph Install-Module AzureAD Install-Module AzureADPreview Install-Module Az az config set extension.use_dynamic_install=yes_prompt Install-Module MCAS Install-Module ExchangeOnlineManagement Install-Module MicrosoftTeams Install-Module MicrosoftGraphSecurity Install-Module Az.ResourceGraph
Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; ` iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))
choco install vscode Choco install Terraform
code --install-extension hashicorp.terraform code --install-extension code --install-extension msazurermtools.azurerm-vscode-tools code --install-extension ms-vscode.azurecli code --install-extension AzurePolicy.azurepolicyextension
When downloading the Terraform examples they have hardcoded resource names (didn't have time to define it more modular.. coming later) Download the content locally and open CLI
terraform plan terraform apply