Inspired/Based on MaxLaumeister/PageCrypt.
decrypts content.html.encrypted
from same folder. Change const encryptedFileName = 'content.html.encrypted';
to change to a different filename.
Use htmlcrypt -p $PASS -o content.html.encrypted input_file.html
to encrypt input_file.html
with password from $PASS
usage: htmlcrypt [-h] [-p PASSWORD] [-e ENCRYPTED] [-d DECRYPT] [-f] file
Encrypt HTML file with password
positional arguments:
file File to encrypt
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
Password for encrypting/decrypting. Will ask for password from stdin if not specified
Encrypted filename
-d DECRYPT, --decrypt DECRYPT
Location to generate the decryption .html file. Relative path to encrypted file will be injected into file.
-f, --force Overwrite existing output file