RT is a fully featured Raytracer built as a project at 42. This project is intended to be a four person six week project, however I decided to attempt it by myself. Ray tracing is a technique for rendering images by simulating the path of light through an image plane. This project uses .ini files to configure the input.
For Mac(master) and Linux(linux_vers) there are several branches.
- clone repository: git clone https://github.com/mrGoncharuk/rt-1v.git
- inside repository dir: make
- to execute binary file: ./RTv1 scenes/scene3.json
WARNING: before to compile on linux you must have installed clang compiler, SDL2 and SDL2_image libraries
- clone repository: git clone https://github.com/mrGoncharuk/rt-1v.git
- change branch: git checkout linux_vers
- inside repository dir: make
- to execute binary file: ./RTv1 scenes/scene3.json
- Scene parses from .json file
- 4 basic shapes
- 3 types of light sources
- Reflections
- Specularity effect
- Camera rotation on arrows