A set of tools linked with the use of tidal forcing in NEMO
This package is a set of fortran90 programs, useful in the processing of NEMO simulation when tides are involved. There are 3 kinds of tools in the package, so far :
- Harmonic analysis for tidal constituents : tid_harm_ana
- Tidal prediction : tid_predict
- Management of tidal constituents :
- convert from Amplitude/Phase to real/imaginary : tid_conv_ri
- convert from real/imaginary to Amplitude/Phase : tid_conv_ag
Although developped in the frame of NEMO, those tools can be easily used with any other kind of data, provided they use NetCdf format.
The harmonic analysis and tidal prediction programs are just a rewriting of an old fortran package whose origin in uncertain. We improved the readibility of the code, and used the NEMO coding rule to make it a NEMO companion. The user interface has also been improved via an extented use of the namelist.
usage : tid_harm_ana -l LST-files [-o HARM-file] [-n NAMLIST-file] [-nc4]
... [-zeromean]
Perform the harmonic analysis on the corresponding time series
represented by the list of files given as arguments.
-l LST-files : a blank separated list of input files
-n NAMLIST-file : Input namelist file. Default is 'namelist'
-o HARM-file : Name of the output file with analysed harmonic
constituents. Default is res_harm.nc, or set in the namelist.
-nc4 : output file is in Netcdf4/Hdf5 with chunking and deflation
-zeromean : subtract spatial mean of the field before analysis.
If -zeromean option, mesh_hgr and mask files are required.
netcdf file : res_harm.nc
usage : tid_predict -n NAMLIST-file -f INPUT-file
Perform tide prediction using a set of harmonic constituents.
The prediction will correspond to the time period covered by
the input file, on the same grid.
The output file will have the same netcdf format than the input file.
-n NAMLIST-file : give the name of the namelist to be used.
-f INPUT-file : give the name of the input file.
none so far ...
-nc4 : use netcdf4 with chinking and deflation
netcdf file : name specified in the namelist
Variable : same as in the input file, specified in the namelist.
usage : conv_ag <Tidal_File_RI> [VAR-rootname]
Compute amplitude and phase from the real/imaginary part
tidal constituent given as input.
Tidal file with real/imaginary part (m)
Netcdf file names <INPUT_FILE%_RI.nc>_AG.nc
Variables : elevation_a, elevation_G
usage : tid_conv_ri <Tidal_File_AG> [VAR-rootname]
Compute real and imaginary part of the tides, in order to use SOSIE
on continuous fields. An unlimited time axis is added in the output
file for sosie.
Tidal file with amplitude and phase (degrees)
VAR-rootname :Root name of the variable to work with (default is
elevation )
The program will look for <VAR-rootname>_a and <VAR-rootname>_G
Netcdf file names <INPUT_FILE%.nc>_<VAR-rootname>_RI.nc
Variables : <VAR-rootname>_real, <VAR-rootname>_imag
A sample namelist is provided in the namelist sub-directory.