Get all users in database.
Sample response:
_id: '617d397be09dfe7134677301',
name: 'Mohit',
email: '[email protected]',
phone: '9876543210',
__v: 0,
_id: '617d8a2951df31b81dd75c07',
name: 'Mohit Yadav',
email: '[email protected]',
phone: '9123456780',
__v: 0,
Add a new user in database.
Request body:
- name: name of user
- email: email id of user
- phone: phone number of user
- pwd: paswword of user
- pwdConfirm: password again for confirmation
Sample response:
"name": "Mohit Yadav",
"email": "[email protected]",
"phone": "9123456789"
- Update a user with given id.
- Refer codebase for details.
- Delete a user with given id.
- Refer codebase for details.
- Generate jwt for user and return jwt along with user information.
- Refer codebase for details.
- Verify jwt, generate and return new jwt along with user information.
- Refer codebase for details.
- Currently work in progress
Get all products in database.
Sample response: