KBloom is a simple Bloom Filter library for Android developed with Kotlin. It helps you to efficiently check if an element might be in a set without storing all elements. Perfect for memory-constrained mobile devices!
- v1.0.0: Initial release with core Bloom Filter functionalities.
- v1.1.0: Upcoming version with support for generic data types and Counting Bloom Filter.
- ...
- Create Bloom Filter:
- Initialize with
- Initialize with
- Add Elements:
- Add elements to the Bloom Filter using
- Add elements to the Bloom Filter using
- Check Elements:
- Check if an element might be in the set using
- Check if an element might be in the set using
- MurmurHash3 Integration:
- Uses efficient MurmurHash3 for hashing.
- Bit Array Management:
- Efficiently manages bits using
- Efficiently manages bits using
- Serialization/Deserialization:
- Save and load Bloom Filter state.
- Generic Support:
- Support for multiple data types beyond
- Support for multiple data types beyond
- Counting Bloom Filter:
- Allow removal of elements.
- Kotlin Multiplatform:
- Use KBloom on iOS and JVM platforms.
- Advanced Hash Functions:
- Integrate more hash functions for better performance.
Add JitPack repository to your project-level
:allprojects { repositories { google() mavenCentral() maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' } } }
Add KBloom dependency to your app-level
:dependencies { implementation 'com.github.moclam1905:KBloom:1.0' }
fun exampleUsage() {
val bloomFilter = BloomFilter.create(expectedInsertions = 1000, fpp = 0.01, seed = 42)
// Add elements
// Check elements
val containsApple = bloomFilter.mightContain("apple") // true
val containsCherry = bloomFilter.mightContain("cherry") // false or true (false positive)
println("Contains 'apple': $containsApple")
println("Contains 'cherry': $containsCherry")