Angular 2 component for szimek/signature_pad. This is forked from
npm install angular-signaturepad --save
API is identical to szimek/signature_pad.
Options are as per szimek/signature_pad with the following additions:
- canvasWidth: width of the canvas (px)
- canvasHeight: height of the canvas (px) The above options are provided to avoid accessing the DOM directly from your component to adjust the canvas size.
In this package, fixed the scaling issue on high DPI devices. Reported here.(szimek/signature_pad#89)
// import into app module
import { SignaturePadModule } from 'angular2-signaturepad';
declarations: [ ],
imports: [ SignaturePadModule ],
providers: [ ],
bootstrap: [ AppComponent ]
// then import for use in a component
import { Component, ViewChild } from 'angular2/core';
import { AngularSignaturePad } from 'angular2-signaturepad/signature-pad';
template: '<signature-pad [options]="signaturePadOptions" (onBeginEvent)="drawStart()" (onEndEvent)="drawComplete()"></signature-pad>'
export class SignaturePadPage{
@ViewChild(AngularSignaturePad) signaturePad: AngularSignaturePad;
private signaturePadOptions: Object = { // passed through to szimek/signature_pad constructor
'minWidth': 5,
'canvasWidth': 500,
'canvasHeight': 300
constructor() {
// no-op
ngAfterViewInit() {
// this.signaturePad is now available
this.signaturePad.set('minWidth', 5); // set szimek/signature_pad options at runtime
this.signaturePad.clear(); // invoke functions from szimek/signature_pad API
drawComplete() {
// will be notified of szimek/signature_pad's onEnd event
drawStart() {
// will be notified of szimek/signature_pad's onBegin event
console.log('begin drawing');