Common tools used in rails extracted into a gem.
I did this gem to:
- Make features I commonly need work nice together.
- Have an extensible container to continue adding new general purpose tools.
Put this line in your Gemfile:
gem 'tuning'
Then bundle:
$ bundle
Text email templates will normalize spaces and new lines like html:
<% if @order.confirmed? %>
Your order has been confirmed.
Will be delivered right the way.
<% end %>
Will produce:
Your order has been confirmed.
Will be delivered right the way.
New content_tag_if method to wrap content into some tag if certain condition it's true:
<%= content_tag_if request.path == home_path, :h1 do %>
<%= link_to 'Home', home_path, id: 'logo' %>
<% end %>
New active_trail? method to check if some path is on active trail:
<li class="<%= 'active' if active_trail? some_path %>"></li>
New extending method to extend layouts:
<%= extending :application do %>
<% end %>
Ruby template handlers will automatically call to_json: do |user|
user.slice :name
Empty strings will be nilify in the database to avoid sql errors or complex queries:
shop = '') # Will be nil
New method validate is available to allow a more expressive syntax:
New complexity validator to avoid weak passwords:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
validates_complexity_of :password
New time validator to validate Date/Time using after, after_or_equal_to, before or before_or_equal_to:
class Schedule < ActiveRecord::Base
validates_time_of :opens_at
validates_time_of :closes_at, after: :opens_at
New count validator to express count messages using minimum, maximum, in o within:
class Product < ActiveRecord::Base
validates_count_of :pictures, minimum: 1, maximum: 4
NOTE: Take a look at lib/tuning/locales to know the i18n keys.
Any issue, pull request, comment of any kind is more than welcome!
I will mainly ensure compatibility to Rails, AWS, PostgreSQL, Redis, Elasticsearch and FreeBSD
This gem is maintained and funded by museways.
It is free software, and may be redistributed under the terms specified in the MIT-LICENSE file.