AIGS538 Deep Learning Project : Analyzing the Impact of Extracting Representative Data on Deep Learning Model Performance
- Our motivation was to reduce the number of data so that we only use key representative samples during training. We used 5 algorithms to reduce the datasets ; interval mean, k-medoid, k-mean, min-max, and random reduction.
- If you want to run each reduction algorithm, you can run ipynb files below including the name.
- 딥러닝 interval mean 정리.ipynb
- 딥러닝 k_medoid.ipynb
- 딥러닝 k mean 정리.ipynb
- 딥러닝 max_min.ipynb
- 딥러닝 random reduction.ipynb
- K-means, Interval mean code description
- You can change the capacity in 4-3) fixed capacity results, and the fixed capacity used in this research is 2 layers.
- You can change the number of reduced datasets in 4-2) dataloader with reduced dataset, and the range of number of datasets is from 3~200.
- Setting
- Import Required Libraries
- Hyperparameters
- Data
- Generate data
- Dataset reduction
- (a) reduction algorithm
- : interval mean or kmean
- (b) dataloader with reduced dataset
- (c) plot reduced dataset
- (a) reduction algorithm
- Training with reduced samples
- Define model
- Training
- (a) Learning curve
- (b) True Function vs Model Prediction
- Model Selection
- (a) Validation curve
- Results
- Example
- Whole result (with optimal capacity)
- (a) train, evaluate, test whole reduced dataset
- (b) plot whole reduced dataset
- Whole result (with fixed capacity = 2)
- K-medoid, max-min, random reduction description
- You can change the capacity in 3-2) Training, # of hidden layer varaible 'i', and the fixed capacity used in this research is 2 layers.
- You can change the number of reduced datasets in 3-2) Training, argument of training reduction as variable 'num', and the range of number of datasets is from 3~200.
- In case of random reduction, you have to change # of reduced datasets after 2**-2) Dataset Reduction**, using 'num' variable
- Settings
- Import required libraries
- Hyperparameters
- Data
- Generate data
- Dataset reduction
- : K-medoid, min-max, random reduction
- Training with reduced samples
- Define model
- Training
- Learning curve
- True function vs Model Prediction
- Model selection
- Results