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* refactor nss/protocol.(ml/mli)/Encoder and add comments
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
* rename 'decoder_from' to more conventional 'of_string'
* add safer version of peek pkt
	that also support git wire protocol v2 pkts:
	delim-pkt and response-end-pkt
* move 'prompt_pkt' to 'decoder.mli'
	to reuse it in git wire proto v2
* add 'read_pkt'
* add 'junk_chars' fn to 'Decoder' to
	increase 'decoder.pos' by 'n'
* move 'bind' and '>>='
	from nss/ to pkt_line.decoder
* [wip] support wire proto v2 capabilities
* add 'Ls_refs', 'Fetch_command' modules to
  represent commands 'ls-refs' and 'fetch' respectively;
* add 'Encoder' module to wire-proto-v2 with support for encoding
  command requests and copy-paste NSS's 'encode_proto_request'
* add some comments to better define parts of a packet line:
  specific names for 4 bytes that encode packet length,
  the bytes that follow the length bytes, etc.
* rename length calculating function 'pkt_len' to
  'encoded_pkt_len' that returns the value hex-encoded in the
  first 4 bytes of the packet line and 'pkt_len_at_least_4'
  returns 'max 4 (encoded_pkt_len pkt)'
* copy-paste 'Proto_request' module from NSS
* update 'response' type in proto-v2 'Protocol'
* add 'Extended_pkt_line_decoder' that provides
	more functionality than 'Pkt_line.Decoder' but not specific to the protocol
* add decoding for all commands of wire proto v2
* reflect changes after 'mimic' lib introduction
* make 'smart_flow' more understandable
* reduce dup code, e.g., (>>=)
* reorganize stuff closer to its use
* rename stuff for more clarity
* move smart protocol (wire proto v1)-based 'fetch'
	code to separate modules
* functorize 'Smart_flow'
* rename 'Smart_flow' to 'State_flow'
* add mli file to 'State_flow'
* improve 'nss/' API:
	- it improves cases when we want to "open" the module to get infix/syntax operators
	- it also make the API more uniform and rich, e.g., adds "map" fn
* rename "fail" to "io_raise":
	  1) avoid clash with "fail" from "smart"/"wire_proto_v2"
	  2) to highlight that it causes "exception"al behavior
* add support for "ls-refs" command (without args)
* fix log.debug use and its message
  • Loading branch information
ulugbekna committed Feb 7, 2021
1 parent bf06feb commit 6754219
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Showing 26 changed files with 1,941 additions and 517 deletions.
26 changes: 22 additions & 4 deletions src/carton/dune
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,12 +2,30 @@
(name carton)
(modules carton dec enc h idx sigs zh)
(public_name carton)
(libraries ke duff optint checkseum decompress.zl bigstringaf
bigarray-compat psq fmt))

(name thin)
(modules thin)
(public_name carton.thin)
(libraries bigarray-compat optint checkseum decompress.zl
bigstringaf logs carton cstruct ke))
32 changes: 32 additions & 0 deletions src/not-so-smart/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
open Astring

type t =
[ `Atom of string
| `Key_value of string * string
| `Command_features of string * string list ]

(* TODO: integrate better support for known capabilities and commands
e.g., ls-refs, etc. *)
let of_string s =
match String.cut ?rev:None ~sep:"=" s with
| None -> `Atom s
| Some (k, v) -> (
match String.cuts ?rev:None ?empty:None ~sep:" " v with
| [] -> raise @@ Invalid_argument s
| [ v ] -> `Key_value (k, v)
| command :: features -> `Command_features (command, features))

let to_string = function
| `Atom s -> s
| `Key_value (k, v) -> Fmt.str "%s=%s" k v
| `Command_features (s, s_lst) ->
Fmt.str "%s=%s" s (String.concat ~sep:" " s_lst)

let equal t1 t2 =
match t1, t2 with
| `Atom s1, `Atom s2 -> String.equal s1 s2
| `Key_value (k1, v1), `Key_value (k2, v2) ->
String.equal k1 k2 && String.equal v1 v2
| `Command_features (c1, fs1), `Command_features (c2, fs2) ->
String.equal c1 c2 && List.for_all2 String.equal fs1 fs2
| _ -> false
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions src/not-so-smart/capability_v2.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
type t =
[ `Atom of string
| `Key_value of string * string
| `Command_features of string * string list ]

val of_string : string -> t
val to_string : t -> string
val equal : t -> t -> bool
71 changes: 70 additions & 1 deletion src/not-so-smart/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,9 +1,12 @@
module Log = (val let src = Logs.Src.create "nss/decoder" in
Logs.src_log src : Logs.LOG)

type decoder = { buffer : Bytes.t; mutable pos : int; mutable max : int }

let io_buffer_size = 65536
let create () = { buffer = Bytes.create io_buffer_size; pos = 0; max = 0 }

let decoder_from x =
let of_string x =
let max = String.length x in
let buffer = Bytes.of_string x in
{ buffer; pos = 0; max }
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -53,6 +56,17 @@ exception Leave of error info

let return (type v) (v : v) _ : (v, 'err) state = Done v

let rec bind x ~f =
match x with
| Done v -> f v
| Read { buffer; off; len; continue; eof } ->
let continue len = bind (continue len) ~f in
let eof () = bind (eof ()) ~f in
Read { buffer; off; len; continue; eof }
| Error _ as err -> err

let ( >>= ) x f = bind x ~f

let safe :
(decoder -> ('v, ([> error ] as 'err)) state) -> decoder -> ('v, 'err) state
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -254,11 +268,62 @@ let peek_pkt decoder =
if len >= 4 then decoder.buffer, decoder.pos + 4, len - 4
else decoder.buffer, decoder.pos + 4, 0

type pkt =
| Flush_pkt (** length in hex 0000 *)
| Delim_pkt (** 0001 *)
| Response_end_pkt (** 0002 *)
| Invalid_len_pkt of int (** 0003 or 0004 *)
| Pkt of (int * string)
(** e.g., 0008done is represented as (8, "done");
we want to keep length to avoid calling [pkt_len_unsafe] several times;
we can't do [String.length str] + 4 because there may be LF, which is trimmed away,
so we should rely on the length encoded in the pkt *)

let peek_pkt' ?(trim = true) ({ buffer; pos; _ } as decoder) =
match pkt_len_unsafe decoder with
| 0 -> Flush_pkt
| 1 -> Delim_pkt
| 2 -> Response_end_pkt
| (3 | 4) as i -> Invalid_len_pkt i
| i when i < 0 -> Invalid_len_pkt i
| pkt_len ->
let pkt_content_len = pkt_len - 4 in
let pkt_content (* pkt excluding 1st 4 bytes, ie pkt len *) =
Bytes.create pkt_content_len
Bytes.blit buffer (pos + 4) pkt_content 0 pkt_content_len;
let pkt_content = if trim then Bytes.trim pkt_content else pkt_content in
Pkt (pkt_len, Bytes.to_string pkt_content)
| exception Invalid_argument s ->
"peek_pkt: decoder.buffer didn't contain 4 'length' bytes: %s" s

let encoded_pkt_len = function
| Flush_pkt -> 0
| Delim_pkt -> 1
| Response_end_pkt -> 2
| Invalid_len_pkt i -> i
| Pkt (l, _) -> l

let pkt_len_at_least_4 pkt = max 4 (encoded_pkt_len pkt)

let read_pkt ?(trim = true) ({ pos; _ } as decoder) =
let pkt = peek_pkt' ~trim decoder in
let advance_n_bytes = pkt_len_at_least_4 pkt in
decoder.pos <- pos + advance_n_bytes;

let is_flush_pkt = function Flush_pkt -> true | _ -> false

let junk_pkt decoder =
let len = pkt_len_unsafe decoder in
if len < 4 then decoder.pos <- decoder.pos + 4
else decoder.pos <- decoder.pos + len

let junk_chars n ({ pos; _ } as decoder) =
assert (n >= 4);
decoder.pos <- pos + n

let peek_while_eol decoder =
let idx = ref decoder.pos in
let chr = ref '\000' in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -297,3 +362,7 @@ let peek_while_eol_or_space decoder =
if !idx < end_of_input decoder && ((!chr = '\n' && !has_cr) || !chr = ' ')
then decoder.buffer, decoder.pos, !idx + 1 - decoder.pos
else leave_with decoder `Expected_eol_or_space

let rec prompt_pkt ?strict k decoder =
if at_least_one_pkt decoder then k decoder
else prompt ?strict (prompt_pkt ?strict k) decoder
55 changes: 53 additions & 2 deletions src/not-so-smart/decoder.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,13 +1,27 @@
(** Module for decoding Git pkt lines, as specified at
We define a "packet line" (aka a "packet") as
| 4 bytes || (enc-pkt-len)-4 |
[ enc-pkt-len ][ pkt-content ]
|------- pkt-len ------|
Example: "0009done\n" where [enc-pkt-len = 4] and [pkt-content = "done"] given we
usually trim LF ("\n").
"Encoded" packet length, [enc-pkt-len], is the first 4 bytes in the packet
that encode the length of the packet in hex. It can have specific values of 0, 1, 2
to encode flush, delimiter, and message (response end) packets respectively.
Otherwise, it should be >= 4, i.e., 4 length bytes + the length of the packet content.
In the docs, we define [min_pkt_len = 4] as in specs. *)

type decoder = { buffer : bytes; mutable pos : int; mutable max : int }

val io_buffer_size : int
val create : unit -> decoder
val decoder_from : string -> decoder
val of_string : string -> decoder
val end_of_input : decoder -> int

type error =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -39,6 +53,10 @@ type ('v, 'err) state =
| Error of 'err info

val return : 'v -> decoder -> ('v, 'err) state
val bind : ('a, 'b) state -> f:('a -> ('c, 'b) state) -> ('c, 'b) state
val ( >>= ) : ('a, 'b) state -> ('a -> ('c, 'b) state) -> ('c, 'b) state

val leave_with : decoder -> error -> 'never
(** [leave_with d error] raises [Leave { error; buffer = d.buffer; committed = d.pos }]
Expand All @@ -50,7 +68,6 @@ val safe :
if exception [Leave err] is raised, the function returns [Error of err] *)

val fail : decoder -> ([> error ] as 'err) -> ('v, 'err) state
val return : 'v -> decoder -> ('v, 'err) state
val peek_char : decoder -> char option
val string : string -> decoder -> unit
val junk_char : decoder -> unit
Expand All @@ -74,9 +91,43 @@ val peek_while_eol : decoder -> bytes * int * int
val peek_while_eol_or_space : decoder -> bytes * int * int
val peek_pkt : decoder -> bytes * int * int

type pkt =
| Flush_pkt (** length in hex 0000 *)
| Delim_pkt (** 0001 *)
| Response_end_pkt (** 0002 *)
| Invalid_len_pkt of int (** 0003 or 0004; the latter is meaningless *)
| Pkt of (int * string)
(** (enc-pkt-len, pkt-content) e.g., 0008done is represented as (8, "done") *)

val is_flush_pkt : pkt -> bool

val encoded_pkt_len : pkt -> int
(** returns the length of packet encoded in first 4 bytes of the packet
e.g., for a packet "0008done", 8 is returned *)

val pkt_len_at_least_4 : pkt -> int
(** [pkt_len pkt] returns [max 4 (encoded_pkt_len pkt)],
i.e., the returned value >= 4 *)

val peek_pkt' : ?trim:bool -> decoder -> pkt

val read_pkt : ?trim:bool -> decoder -> pkt
(** returns the packet and advances [decoder.pos] to packet's full length *)

val junk_pkt : decoder -> unit
(** increase [decoder.pos] by [max min_pkt_len pkt_len], where [pkt_len] is the length
of the pkt line starting at the current value of [decoder.pos] (before increasing) and
[min_pkt_len = 4].
@raise Invalid_argument if there aren't 4 bytes representing the length *)

val junk_chars : int -> decoder -> unit
(** [junk_chars n d] increases [d.pos] by [n];
can be used similar to [junk_pkt] when the length of a packet line is known from
[peek_pkt], for example. *)

val prompt_pkt :
?strict:bool ->
(decoder -> ('a, ([> error ] as 'b)) state) ->
decoder ->
('a, 'b) state
43 changes: 34 additions & 9 deletions src/not-so-smart/dune
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,13 +2,38 @@
(name pkt_line)
(public_name git.nss.pkt-line)
(modules decoder encoder)
(libraries astring fmt))
(libraries astring fmt logs))

(name state)
(public_name git.nss.state)
(modules state)
(libraries git.nss.pkt-line fmt))

(name smart)
(modules smart filter capability state protocol)
(libraries git.nss.pkt-line result rresult ipaddr domain-name astring fmt))
(modules smart filter capability protocol)
(libraries git.nss.pkt-line git.nss.state result rresult ipaddr
domain-name astring fmt))

(name wire_proto_v2)
(public_name git.nss.wire-proto-v2)
(modules capability_v2 proto_vals_v2 wire_proto_v2)

(name sigs)
Expand All @@ -17,10 +42,10 @@
(libraries fmt cstruct))

(name smart_flow)
(modules smart_flow)
(libraries cstruct fmt git.nss.sigs logs))
(name state_flow)
(public_name git.nss.state-flow)
(modules state_flow)
(libraries cstruct fmt git.nss.sigs git.nss.state logs))

(name hkt)
Expand All @@ -32,7 +57,7 @@
(name neg)
(public_name git.nss.neg)
(modules neg find_common default)
(libraries fmt rresult cstruct sigs logs psq smart
(libraries fmt rresult cstruct sigs logs psq smart git.nss.state-flow))

(name pck)
Expand All @@ -45,7 +70,7 @@
(public_name git.nss)
(modules nss fetch push)
(libraries fmt result rresult logs ipaddr domain-name smart sigs neg pck
git.nss.state-flow git.nss.state wire_proto_v2))

(name unixiz)
Expand Down
19 changes: 8 additions & 11 deletions src/not-so-smart/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -42,17 +42,14 @@ let flush k0 encoder =
k1 0
else k0 encoder

let write encoder s =
let max = Bytes.length encoder.payload in
let go j l encoder =
let rem = max - encoder.pos in
let len = if l > rem then rem else l in
Bytes.blit_string s j encoder.payload encoder.pos len;
encoder.pos <- encoder.pos + len;
if len < l then leave_with encoder `No_enough_space
(* XXX(dinosaure): should never appear, but avoid continuation allocation. *)
go 0 (String.length s) encoder
let write ({ pos; payload } as encoder) s =
let max = Bytes.length payload in
let s_len = String.length s in
let rem = max - pos in
let wr_n_bytes = min rem s_len in
Bytes.blit_string s 0 payload pos wr_n_bytes;
encoder.pos <- pos + wr_n_bytes;
if wr_n_bytes < s_len then leave_with encoder `No_enough_space

let blit encoder ~buf ~off ~len =
let max = Bytes.length encoder.payload in
Expand Down
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions src/not-so-smart/encoder.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,5 +19,11 @@ type 'err state =

val safe : (encoder -> ([> error ] as 'err) state) -> encoder -> 'err state
val flush : (encoder -> ([> error ] as 'err) state) -> encoder -> 'err state

val write : encoder -> string -> unit
(** [write e s] writes [s] into [e.payload] if there is enough space, i.e.,
[Bytes.length e e.payload - e.pos > String.length s]. Otherwise, raises.
@raise Leave `No_enough_space if [String.length ]*)

val blit : encoder -> buf:string -> off:int -> len:int -> unit

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