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cohttp-eio: remove redundant type from Body.
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Remove Rwer module
Update Body.mli
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bikallem committed Feb 16, 2023
1 parent 2db1420 commit 630de90
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Showing 7 changed files with 20 additions and 383 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
- cohttp-eio: generate Date header in responses (bikallem #955)
- cohttp-eio: further improve Cohttp_eio.Client ergonomics (bikallem #?)
- cohttp-eio: server api improvements (bikallem #962)
- cohttp-eio: renovate Client/Server API (bikallem #969)

## v6.0.0~alpha0 (2022-10-24)
- cohttp-eio: ensure "Host" header is the first header in http client requests (bikallem #939)
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270 changes: 0 additions & 270 deletions cohttp-eio/src/
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@@ -1,273 +1,3 @@
module Buf_read = Eio.Buf_read
module Buf_write = Eio.Buf_write

type t =
| Fixed of string
| Chunked of chunk_writer
| Custom of (Buf_write.t -> unit)
| Empty

and chunk_writer = {
body_writer : (chunk -> unit) -> unit;
trailer_writer : (Http.Header.t -> unit) -> unit;

and chunk = Chunk of chunk_body | Last_chunk of chunk_extension list

and chunk_body = {
size : int;
data : string;
extensions : chunk_extension list;

and chunk_extension = { name : string; value : string option }

let pp_chunk_extension fmt =
@@ list ~sep:Fmt.semi
@@ record
Fmt.field "name" (fun ext -> Fmt.string;
Fmt.field "value" (fun ext -> ext.value) Fmt.(option string);

let pp_chunk fmt = function
| Chunk chunk ->
Fmt.field "size" (fun t -> t.size);
Fmt.field "data" (fun t -> Fmt.string;
Fmt.field "extensions" (fun t -> t.extensions) pp_chunk_extension;
fmt chunk
| Last_chunk extensions -> pp_chunk_extension fmt extensions

(* Chunked encoding parser *)

let hex_digit = function
| '0' .. '9' -> true
| 'a' .. 'f' -> true
| 'A' .. 'F' -> true
| _ -> false

let quoted_char =
let open Buf_read.Syntax in
let+ c = Buf_read.any_char in
match c with
| ' ' | '\t' | '\x21' .. '\x7E' -> c
| c -> failwith (Printf.sprintf "Invalid escape \\%C" c)

(*-- qdtext = HTAB / SP /%x21 / %x23-5B / %x5D-7E / obs-text -- *)
let qdtext = function
| ('\t' | ' ' | '\x21' | '\x23' .. '\x5B' | '\x5D' .. '\x7E') as c -> c
| c -> failwith (Printf.sprintf "Invalid quoted character %C" c)

(*-- quoted-string = DQUOTE *( qdtext / quoted-pair ) DQUOTE --*)
let quoted_string r =
Buf_read.char '"' r;
let buf = Buffer.create 100 in
let rec aux () =
match Buf_read.any_char r with
| '"' -> Buffer.contents buf
| '\\' ->
Buffer.add_char buf (quoted_char r);
aux ()
| c ->
Buffer.add_char buf (qdtext c);
aux ()
aux ()

let optional c x r =
let c2 = Buf_read.peek_char r in
if Some c = c2 then (
Buf_read.consume r 1;
Some (x r))
else None

(*-- --*)
let chunk_ext_val =
let open Buf_read.Syntax in
let* c = Buf_read.peek_char in
match c with Some '"' -> quoted_string | _ -> Rwer.token

let rec chunk_exts r =
let c = Buf_read.peek_char r in
match c with
| Some ';' ->
Buf_read.consume r 1;
let name = Rwer.token r in
let value = optional '=' chunk_ext_val r in
{ name; value } :: chunk_exts r
| _ -> []

let chunk_size =
let open Buf_read.Syntax in
let* sz = Rwer.take_while1 hex_digit in
try Buf_read.return (Format.sprintf "0x%s" sz |> int_of_string)
with _ -> failwith (Format.sprintf "Invalid chunk_size: %s" sz)

(* Be strict about headers allowed in trailer headers to minimize security
issues, eg. request smuggling attack -
Allowed headers are defined in 2nd paragraph of *)
let is_trailer_header_allowed h =
match String.lowercase_ascii h with
| "transfer-encoding" | "content-length" | "host"
(* Request control headers are not allowed. *)
| "cache-control" | "expect" | "max-forwards" | "pragma" | "range" | "te"
(* Authentication headers are not allowed. *)
| "www-authenticate" | "authorization" | "proxy-authenticate"
| "proxy-authorization"
(* Cookie headers are not allowed. *)
| "cookie" | "set-cookie"
(* Response control data headers are not allowed. *)
| "age" | "expires" | "date" | "location" | "retry-after" | "vary" | "warning"
(* Headers to process the payload are not allowed. *)
| "content-encoding" | "content-type" | "content-range" | "trailer" ->
| _ -> true

(* Request indiates which headers will be sent in chunk trailer part by
specifying the headers in comma separated value in 'Trailer' header. *)
let request_trailer_headers headers =
match Http.Header.get headers "Trailer" with
| Some v -> String.trim @@ String.split_on_char ',' v
| None -> []

(* Chunk decoding algorithm is explained at *)
let chunk (total_read : int) (headers : Http.Header.t) =
let open Buf_read.Syntax in
let* sz = chunk_size in
match sz with
| sz when sz > 0 ->
let* extensions = chunk_exts <* Rwer.crlf in
let* data = Buf_read.take sz <* Rwer.crlf in
Buf_read.return @@ `Chunk (sz, data, extensions)
| 0 ->
let* extensions = chunk_exts <* Rwer.crlf in
(* Read trailer headers if any and append those to request headers.
Only headers names appearing in 'Trailer' request headers and "allowed" trailer
headers are appended to request.
The spec at
specifies that 'Content-Length' and 'Transfer-Encoding' headers must be
updated. *)
let* trailer_headers = Rwer.http_headers in
let request_trailer_headers = request_trailer_headers headers in
let trailer_headers =
(fun (name, _) ->
List.mem name request_trailer_headers
&& is_trailer_header_allowed name)
(Http.Header.to_list trailer_headers)
let request_headers =
(fun h (key, v) -> Http.Header.add h key v)
headers trailer_headers
(* Remove either just the 'chunked' from Transfer-Encoding header value or
remove the header entirely if value is empty. *)
let te_header = "Transfer-Encoding" in
let request_headers =
match Http.Header.get request_headers te_header with
| Some header_value ->
let new_header_value =
String.split_on_char ',' header_value
|> String.trim
|> List.filter (fun v ->
let v = String.lowercase_ascii v in
not (String.equal v "chunked"))
|> String.concat ","
if String.length new_header_value > 0 then
Http.Header.replace request_headers te_header new_header_value
else Http.Header.remove request_headers te_header
| None -> assert false
(* Remove 'Trailer' from request headers. *)
let headers = Http.Header.remove request_headers "Trailer" in
(* Add Content-Length header *)
let headers =
Http.Header.add headers "Content-Length" (string_of_int total_read)
Buf_read.return @@ `Last_chunk (extensions, headers)
| sz -> failwith (Format.sprintf "Invalid chunk size: %d" sz)

let read_chunked reader headers f =
match Http.Header.get_transfer_encoding headers with
| Http.Transfer.Chunked ->
let total_read = ref 0 in
let rec chunk_loop f =
let chunk = chunk !total_read headers reader in
match chunk with
| `Chunk (size, data, extensions) ->
f (Chunk { size; data; extensions });
total_read := !total_read + size;
(chunk_loop [@tailcall]) f
| `Last_chunk (extensions, headers) ->
f (Last_chunk extensions);
Some headers
chunk_loop f
| _ -> None

(* *)
let write_chunked ?(write_chunked_trailers = false) writer chunk_writer =
let write_extensions exts =
(fun { name; value } ->
let v =
match value with None -> "" | Some v -> Printf.sprintf "=%s" v
Buf_write.string writer (Printf.sprintf ";%s%s" name v))
let write_body = function
| Chunk { size; data; extensions = exts } ->
Buf_write.string writer (Printf.sprintf "%X" size);
write_extensions exts;
Buf_write.string writer "\r\n";
Buf_write.string writer data;
Buf_write.string writer "\r\n"
| Last_chunk exts ->
Buf_write.string writer "0";
write_extensions exts;
Buf_write.string writer "\r\n"
chunk_writer.body_writer write_body;
if write_chunked_trailers then
chunk_writer.trailer_writer (Rwer.write_headers writer);
Buf_write.string writer "\r\n"

let write_body ?write_chunked_trailers writer body =
match body with
| Fixed s -> Buf_write.string writer s
| Chunked chunk_writer ->
write_chunked ?write_chunked_trailers writer chunk_writer
| Custom f -> f writer
| Empty -> ()

let add_content_length requires_content_length headers body : Http.Header.t =
let content_length_hdr = "Content-Length" in
if requires_content_length && not (Http.Header.mem headers content_length_hdr)
match body with
| Fixed s ->
String.length s
|> string_of_int
|> Http.Header.add headers content_length_hdr
| Empty -> Http.Header.add headers content_length_hdr "0"
| _ -> headers
else headers

(* New body *)

class virtual writer =
method virtual write_body : Eio.Buf_write.t -> unit
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63 changes: 19 additions & 44 deletions cohttp-eio/src/body.mli
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@@ -1,37 +1,5 @@
(** [Body] is HTTP request or response body. *)

type t =
| Fixed of string
| Chunked of chunk_writer
| Custom of (Eio.Buf_write.t -> unit)
| Empty

and chunk_writer = {
body_writer : (chunk -> unit) -> unit;
trailer_writer : (Http.Header.t -> unit) -> unit;

(** [Chunk] encapsulates HTTP/1.1 chunk transfer encoding data structures. *)
and chunk = Chunk of chunk_body | Last_chunk of chunk_extension list

and chunk_body = {
size : int;
data : string;
extensions : chunk_extension list;

and chunk_extension = { name : string; value : string option }

val pp_chunk_extension : Format.formatter -> chunk_extension list -> unit
val pp_chunk : Format.formatter -> chunk -> unit
val add_content_length : bool -> Http.Header.t -> t -> Http.Header.t

val read_chunked :
Buf_read.t -> Http.Header.t -> (chunk -> unit) -> Http.Header.t option

val write_body : ?write_chunked_trailers:bool -> Buf_write.t -> t -> unit

(** {1 Writer} *)

(** [writer] is a body that can be written. *)
Expand All @@ -44,8 +12,9 @@ class virtual writer :
(** {2 none} *)

(** [none] is a special type of reader and writer that represents the absence of
HTTP request or response body. It is a no-op. See {!type:Method.t} and
{!class:Request.server_request}. *)
HTTP request or response body. It is a no-op.
See {!type:Method.t} and {!class:Request.server_request}. *)
class virtual none :
inherit writer
Expand All @@ -67,10 +36,13 @@ val form_values_writer : (string * string list) list -> writer

(** {1 Reader} *)

(** [reader] is a body that can be read. {!class:Request.server_request} and
{!class:Response.client_response} are both [reader] body types. As such both
of them can be used with functions that accept [#reader] instances. See
{!val:read_content} and {!val:read_form_values}. *)
(** [reader] is a body that can be read.
{!class:Request.server_request} and {!class:Response.client_response} are
both [reader] body types. As such both of them can be used with functions
that accept [#reader] instances.
See {!val:read_content} and {!val:read_form_values}. *)
class virtual reader :
method virtual headers : Http.Header.t
Expand All @@ -81,13 +53,16 @@ class virtual reader :

val read_content : #reader -> string option
(** [read_content reader] is [Some content], where [content] is of length [n] if
"Content-Length" header is a valid integer value [n] in [reader]. If
["Content-Length"] header is missing or is an invalid value in [reader] then
[None] is returned. *)
"Content-Length" header is a valid integer value [n] in [reader].
If ["Content-Length"] header is missing or is an invalid value in [reader]
then [None] is returned. *)

val read_form_values : #reader -> (string * string list) list
(** [read_form_values reader] is [form_values] if [reader] body [Content-Type]
is ["application/x-www-form-urlencoded"] and [Content-Length] is a valid
integer value. [form_values] is a list of tuple of form [(name, values)]
where [name] is the name of the form field and [values] is a list of values
corresponding to the [name]. *)
integer value.
[form_values] is a list of tuple of form [(name, values)] where [name] is
the name of the form field and [values] is a list of values corresponding to
the [name]. *)

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