Meshref is an implementation of the algorithm described in our paper "Semantically Informed Multiview Surface Refinement".
If you use the code in your work please cite:
author = {Blaha, Maros and Rothermel, Mathias and Oswald, Martin Ralf and Sattler, Torsten and Richard, Audrey and Wegner, Jan D. and Pollefeys, Mark and Schindler, Konrad},
title = {Semantically Informed Multiview Surface Refinement},
journal = {The IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)},
month = {October},
year = {2017}
If you use the data in your work please cite:
author = {{Slagboom en Peeters Aerial Survey}},
note ={\url{}}
The labeling section contains parts of Nils Moehlres and Michael Waechters code described in this paper
- Install dependencies
- Clone the repository
cd yourpath
git clone https://[email protected]/mathiaro/meshref.git
cd meshref
- Copy Makefile_copy.rules to Makefile.rules
cp Makefile_copy.rules Makefile.rules
Adapt the include/link flags for Eigen, Boost, OpneCV, OpenMesh, Embree (marked by ###)
make lib
make exe
- The executable should be located in
- Download the data
- Make a data directory
mkdir yourpath/meshref/data
- unpack the contents of the data package into the data dirctory
tar -xzf data.tar.gz -C yourpath/meshref/data
- Execute meshref in the bin folder and specify your processing path
cd /yourpath/meshref/bin
./meshref -b ../data
- All important settings can be adapted in the parameter file
, see the file param_descr.txt for an explanation of the individual parameters.
Our software is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license, for more details see the LICENSE.txt file.
- Feel free to contact us for questions or bug reports!