Segwit Relaunch
Picscoin is relaunching Segwit due to the blockchain being rolled back 1 week since nodes did not sync. The blockchain will be live again momentarily. From block height 20160, Segwit Bip Height 147 and Bip9 CSV was activated which handles the way transactions work. For the transactions to be negotiated off-chain, there needs to be a consensus amongst the clients for proper transactions of witnesses. Segwit needs to be implemented for how Picscoin works and as-well as all Picscoin nodes handle mempool transactions since Picscoin Client 0.15.1.
Updated Segwit block height to match blockchain data.
Added Possibility for all clients to Sync from and use Segwit enabled clients.
Removed Dead Nodes from seed nodes
Resolved Internal DoS Issue from conflicting IP Addresses