Compile eppgrammar files to a JavaScript module
$ nearleyc -o eppprocessor.js
Test eppprocessor against input
$ nearley-test ./eppprocessor.js --input '[xo.-.xo];' # One line with a Loop
$ nearley-test ./eppprocessor.js --input 'xo.-.xo;' # One line with Beats
$ nearley-test ./eppprocessor.js --input '3 | 2 >> sinosc;' # One line with a Synth
$ nearley-test ./eppprocessor.js --input '[xo.-.xo] ; x.ox.-x.-; 10 | 3 | 2 >> sinosc >> sinosc; [x.-o.-.o-x]' # Multiline with Loops, Beats and Synth
$ nearley-test ./eppprocessor.js --input 'tpb 12' # One line with a Loop
$ nearley-test ./eppprocessor.js --input '[xo.-.xo]; x.-ox.o- ; [xo-o.x.o-]; tpb 12 ;'
$ nearley-test ./eppprocessor.js --input 'tpb 12; x.oo-x.o-xo; [x.-o.xo-o.x]; ∞ ∆ 12'
$ nearley-test ./eppprocessor.js --input 'tpb 12; x.oo-x.o-xo; [x.-o.xo-o.x]; ∞ ∆ (∞ ~ 12 + ∞ ◊ 1 )'
Generate a railroad diagram for eppgrammar
$ nearley-railroad -o eppgrammar.html