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mikesimons edited this page Aug 13, 2012 · 1 revision

Unofficial NirvanaHQ API documentation

API overview

All requests happen over an HTTPS connection to the base url "". Most application logic seems to take place in the client. This means that if you want to implement a client you will need to implement validation, rules and logic around things like scheduled tasks yourself.

HTTP verbs are used appropriately in that GET requests fetch data and POST requests write data.

Common API parameters

The following parameters are common to all requests:

  • api - "rest" for form encoded single entities, "json" for json encoded batch requests
  • requestid - A UUID unique to the request. The JS library simply generates a random one each request.
  • clienttime - Unix time representation (seconds since Unix epoch) of time on the client.
  • authtoken - An MD5 token that is retrieved at authentication.
  • appid - A string representing the application making the request.
  • appversion - A string representing the version of the application making the request.

Data types

There are only three primary types of data in the NirvanaHQ API:

  • user - Data about the current user.
  • task - A task or project (they share the same data structure).
  • tag - A tag, area, context or contact (the share the same data structure).

Of these types of data, the API ( to the best of my knowledge ) can only write tasks and tags; user data is managed by which we'll get to later.

It should also be noted that most (not all) fields have a modify time counterpart in the structure itself. This is denoted by the field name prefixed by an underscore. For example, "username" has a counterpart "_username" in the user data structure that represents when the username was last changed. These fields have not been documented for clarity.


Field Type Purpose
id integer User ID
n1sunset unixtime Unknown
maxprojects integer Max project count (Unknown if enforced)
maxareas integer Max area count. (Unknown if enforced)
maxlogbook integer Max logbook entries (Unknown if enforced)
version integer Presumed version of user data
username string Username
password md5 Unsalted MD5 of password
gmtoffset integer GMT (UTC?) offset in hours
firstname string First name
lastname string Last name
emailaddress email Email address
inmailaddress string Unknown
pokememon integer Poke me monday?
pokemetue integer Poke me tuesday?
pokemewed integer Poke me wednesday?
pokemethu integer Poke me thursday?
pokemefri integer Poke me friday?
pokemesat integer Poke me saturday?
pokemesun integer Poke me sunday?
lastwritebyuseron unixtime Last write by user
lastactivityon unixtime Last activity by user (appears unused)
createdon unixtime User creation date
lastpaymentdate unixtime Last payment date (appears unused)
nextpaymentdate unixtime Next payment date (appears unused)
intrialperiod boolean In trial period (appears unused)
trialenddate unixtime Trial end date (appears unused)
incompperiod boolean Unknown
compenddate unixtime Unknown
ingraceperiod boolean In grace period (appears unused)
graceenddate unixtime Grace period end date (appears unused)
issuspended boolean User is suspended


Field Type Purpose
id uuid Unique identifier of task
type integer Type of task (0 = Task, 1 = Project)
ps boolean Is project sequential (0 if task is parallel, 1 if sequential)
state integer Action state (0 = Inbox, 1 = Next, 2 = Waiting, 3 = Scheduled, 4 = Someday, 5 = Later, 6 = Trashed, 7 = Logged, 8 = Deleted, 9 = Recurring, 11 = Active project )
parentid uuid Parent project UUID
seq integer Order of task / project in project list
seqt unixtime Time task is focused (0 for not focused)
seqp unixtime Order of task in task list
name string Name of task / project
tags string Comma delimited list of tags
etime integer Minutes task requires (whoa nelly = 600)
energy integer Energy / effort for task / project
waitingfor string Name of contact task / project is waiting for
startdate string Start date of task / project in YYYYMMDD
duedate string Due date of task / project in YYYYMMDD
recurring jsonstring "{"paused":false,"freq":"daily","interval":1,"nextdate":"20120807","hasduedate":0}"
note string Contents of task / project note
completed unixtime Date of completion
cancelled boolean Cancelled?
deleted unixtime Date of deleted
updated unixtime Date of last update


Field Type Purpose
key string Tag name
type integer Tag type (0 = Tag, 1 = Area, 2 = Context, 3 = Contact)
email email Email of contact (blank for others)
color string Colour to use in displaying tag
meta string Unknown
deleted unxitime Time tag was deleted (0 for not deleted)


Get everything



Specific actions

Creating a project

Creating a task

Creating a task with tags

Creating a sub-task / sub-project

Changing the name of a project / task

Changing the notes of a project / task

Changing tags / areas / contexts / contacts for a task / project

Changing the action state of a project / task

Changing the time required for a project / task

Changing the energy required for a project / task

Changing the due date of a project / task

Marking a project / task as inactive

Marking a task as waiting for a contact

Marking a project / task as focused

Marking a project / task as completed

Moving a project / task to the trash

Moving a project / task to the logbook

Deleting a project / task

Creating a scheduled task

Updating a scheduled task

Creating a tag

Creating a contact

Creating an area

Creating a context

Updating a tag / task / context / area

Handing over to

What about search or rapid entry?

Both search and rapid entry are handled in-browser by the web app. There are presently no known API methods to handle these.