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Use TDD to create a Renter class and an Apartment class that respond to the following interaction pattern:
pry(main)> require './lib/renter'
# => true
pry(main)> require './lib/apartment'
# => true
pry(main)> jessie = Renter.new("Jessie")
# => #<Renter:0x00007fa15c93af80...>
pry(main)> jessie.name
# => "Jessie"
pry(main)> a1 = Apartment.new({number: "A1", monthly_rent: 1200, bathrooms: 1, bedrooms: 1})
# => #<Apartment:0x00007fb3ecaae7c0...>
pry(main)> a1.number
# => "A1"
pry(main)> a1.monthly_rent
# => 1200
pry(main)> a1.bathrooms
# => 1
pry(main)> a1.bedrooms
# => 1
pry(main)> a1.renter
# => nil
pry(main)> a1.add_renter(jessie)
pry(main)> a1.renter
# => #<Renter:0x00007fb3ee106ce8...>
Use TDD to create a Building class that responds to the following interaction pattern.
pry(main)> require './lib/renter'
# => true
pry(main)> require './lib/apartment'
# => true
pry(main)> require './lib/building'
# => true
pry(main)> building = Building.new
# => #<Building:0x00007f83778c5a80...>
pry(main)> building.units
# => []
pry(main)> a1 = Apartment.new({number: "A1", monthly_rent: 1200, bathrooms: 1, bedrooms: 1})
# => #<Apartment:0x00007f8377209bb0...>
pry(main)> b2 = Apartment.new({number: "B2", monthly_rent: 999, bathrooms: 2, bedrooms: 2})
# => #<Apartment:0x00007f83779f0900...>
pry(main)> building.add_unit(a1)
pry(main)> building.add_unit(b2)
pry(main)> building.units
# => [#<Apartment:0x00007f8377209bb0...>, #<Apartment:0x00007f83779f0900...>]
pry(main)> building.average_rent
# => 1099.5
Use TDD to update your Building class so that it responds to the following interaction pattern. Note that the renter_with_highest_rent
method should ignore units with no renter.
pry(main)> require './lib/building'
# => true
pry(main)> require './lib/renter'
# => true
pry(main)> require './lib/apartment'
# => true
pry(main)> building = Building.new
# => #<Building:0x00007fa83bb74928...>
pry(main)> a1 = Apartment.new({number: "A1", monthly_rent: 1200, bathrooms: 1, bedrooms: 1})
# => #<Apartment:0x00007fa83baae8b8...>
pry(main)> b2 = Apartment.new({number: "B2", monthly_rent: 999, bathrooms: 2, bedrooms: 2})
# => #<Apartment:0x00007fa83bc777d0...>
pry(main)> spencer = Renter.new("Spencer")
# => #<Renter:0x00007fa83bc37978...>
pry(main)> b2.add_renter(spencer)
pry(main)> building.add_unit(a1)
pry(main)> building.add_unit(b2)
pry(main)> building.renter_with_highest_rent
# => #<Renter:0x00007fa83bc37978...>
pry(main)> jessie = Renter.new("Jessie")
# => #<Renter:0x00007fa83b9b0358...>
pry(main)> a1.add_renter(jessie)
pry(main)> building.renter_with_highest_rent
# => #<Renter:0x00007fa83b9b0358...>
Use TDD to add an annual_breakdown
method to your Building class. This method should associate a renter name with the amount they pay in rent for the whole year. Note that the annual_breakdown
method should ignore units with no renter. Your Building class should now respond to the following interaction pattern:
pry(main)> require './lib/building'
# => true
pry(main)> require './lib/apartment'
# => true
pry(main)> require './lib/renter'
# => true
pry(main)> building = Building.new
# => #<Building:0x00007fb333c0cec8...>
pry(main)> a1 = Apartment.new({number: "A1", monthly_rent: 1200, bathrooms: 1, bedrooms: 1})
# => #<Apartment:0x00007fb333bcd840...>
pry(main)> b2 = Apartment.new({number: "B2", monthly_rent: 999, bathrooms: 2, bedrooms: 2})
# => #<Apartment:0x00007fb333a55008...>
pry(main)> spencer = Renter.new("Spencer")
# => #<Renter:0x00007fb333d0d7f0...>
pry(main)> b2.add_renter(spencer)
pry(main)> building.add_unit(a1)
pry(main)> building.add_unit(b2)
pry(main)> building.annual_breakdown
# => {"Spencer" => 11988}
pry(main)> jessie = Renter.new("Jessie")
# => #<Renter:0x00007fb333af5a80...>
pry(main)> a1.add_renter(jessie)
pry(main)> building.annual_breakdown
# => {"Jessie" => 14400, "Spencer" => 11988}