Welcome to the Playlist Curator repository, a place to analyze, curate and tweak your Spotify playlists!
Here're some of the project's best features:
- Playlist Curator
- Dashboard with playlist analytics
Other things to include:
Technology stack: Indicate the technological nature of the software, including primary programming language(s) and whether the software is intended as standalone or as a module in a framework or other ecosystem.
Status: Alpha, Beta, 1.1, etc. It's OK to write a sentence, too. The goal is to let interested people know where this project is at. This is also a good place to link to the CHANGELOG.
Links to production or demo instances
Describe what sets this apart from related-projects. Linking to another doc or page is OK if this can't be expressed in a sentence or two.
Please see the project toml
file for a list of Python package dependencies. Additionally this project makes use of the Spotify API via the Spotipy
library. For more information on how that can be setup please visit the official Spotipy documentation.
source env/bin/activate
Install the required packages to run the project from the provided requirements.txt
Install the required packages to run the project from the provided pyproject.toml
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
python3 -m pip install -e .[dev]
For troubleshooting visit the official Python docs on how to set up a virtual environment
Assuming fastapi is installed, then simply running the app/main.py
will work. That script will start the uvicorn server and connect the routes the fastapi app.
If the software is configurable, describe it in detail, either here or in other documentation to which you link.
Show users how to use the software. Be specific. Use appropriate formatting when showing code snippets.
If the software includes automated tests, detail how to run those tests.
Document any known significant shortcomings with the software.
Instruct users how to get help with this software; this might include links to an issue tracker, wiki, mailing list, etc.
Example If you have questions, concerns, bug reports, etc, please file an issue in this repository's Issue Tracker.
For information and how to set up a development environment, see the Installation steps above.
This project follows the Github Flow workflow with tags and releases for published versions of our components; when working on the codebase create descriptive branch names (e.g. feature/cool_feature_x, hotfix/flux_capacitor, issue/123, etc.).
When your changes are complete then create a Pull Request ensuring that your branch is up-to-date with the source branch and that code changes are covered by tests and that the full test suite passes.
CFPB Source Code Policy
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Books, papers, talks, or other sources that have meaningful impact or influence on this project
pyproject.toml # maybe this is in backend service?