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Fast and lightweight key-value database library.

NPM Version NPM Type Definitions NPM Downloads NPM License

Release Test-Bun Test-Node Lint

Documentation • NPM • Benchmarks



  • Fast and efficient key-value storage
  • Support for expiration of keys
  • Disk and in-memory database support
  • Synchronous API for better performance and concurrency
  • Built on top of better-sqlite3 for optimal Node.js performance
  • Utilizes bun:sqlite for seamless Bun integration
  • Pattern-based key retrieval
  • Result type handling ( no try-catch blocks )
  • Supports both Bun and Node.js environments


# With NPM
npm install miftahdb

# With Bun
bun install miftahdb


// Node runtime
import { MiftahDB } from "miftahdb";

// For Bun runtime
import { MiftahDB } from "miftahdb/bun";

Example Usage

// Create a new disk-based database instance
const db = new MiftahDB("database.db");

// Use the database
db.set("user:1234", { name: "Ahmad Aburob" });
const user = db.get("user:1234");

Synchronous API

MiftahDB uses a synchronous API, which may seem counterintuitive but actually provides better performance and concurrency than an asynchronous API for most use cases.

Error Handling

MiftahDB uses result types to handle errors. The result type includes a boolean indicating whether the operation was successful and the data returned by the operation, or an error if the operation failed.

const result = db.get("user:1234");
if (result.success) {
  console.log(`User: ${}`);
} else {

API Reference


Creates a new MiftahDB instance.

  • Parameters:
    • path: The path to the database file. Defaults to ":memory:" if not provided.
    • options: Optional configuration options for the database. These options can be customized as follows:
      • journalMode: Determines the journal mode (default: "WAL").
      • synchronousMode: Controls the database's synchronization mode (default: "NORMAL").
      • tempStoreMode: Specifies where temporary tables are stored (default: "MEMORY").
      • cacheSize: The cache size for the database (default: -64000).
      • mmapSize: The memory-mapped file size (default: 30000000000).
      • lockingMode: Determines the database locking mode (default: "NORMAL").
      • autoVacuumMode: Configures the auto-vacuum behavior (default: "OFF").
      • autoCleanupOnClose: Automatically cleans up expired keys when the database is closed (default: false).
      • autoCloseOnExit: Automatically closes the database when the process exits (default: true).

Example Usage

// New MiftahDB instance with disk-based database
const db1 = new MiftahDB("test.db");

// New MiftahDB instance with in-memory database
const db2 = new MiftahDB(":memory:");

// New MiftahDB instance with custom configuration
const db3 = new MiftahDB("test.db", {
  journalMode: "WAL",
  synchronousMode: "NORMAL",
  tempStoreMode: "MEMORY",
  cacheSize: -64000,
  mmapSize: 30000000000,
  lockingMode: "NORMAL",
  autoVacuumMode: "OFF",
  autoCleanupOnClose: false,
  autoCloseOnExit: true,


Retrieves a value from the database by its key.

  • Parameters:
    • key: The key to look up.
  • Returns:
    • The result of the operation, includes a boolean indicating whether the operation was successful and the value, or an error if the operation failed.
const result = db.get<User>("user:1234");
if (result.success) {
  console.log(`User: ${}`);
} else {


Sets a value in the database with an optional expiration.

  • Parameters:
    • key: The key under which to store the value.
    • value: The value to store.
    • expiresAt: Optional expiration date as a Date object or number of milliseconds.
  • Returns:
    • The result of the operation, includes a boolean indicating whether the operation was successful or an error if the operation failed.
// Full example with result type handling
const result = db.set<User>("user:1234", { name: "Ahmad" });
if (result.success) {
  console.log("Key set successfully");
} else {

// Set a value with expiration in milliseconds
db.set("key", "value", 90000);

// Set a value with Date object expiration
db.set("key", "value", new Date("2030-12-31"));


Checks if a key exists in the database.

  • Parameters:
    • key: The key to check.
  • Returns:
    • The result of the operation, includes a boolean indicating whether the operation was successful or an error if the operation failed.
if (db.exists("user:12345").success) {
  console.log("User exists");
} else {
  console.log("User does not exist");

Note: The exists method is faster than get because it uses a simpler SQL query. Use exists when you only need to check if a key is present, as it can boost performance in speed-sensitive situations.


Deletes a key-value pair from the database.

  • Parameters:
    • key: The key to delete.
  • Returns:
    • The result of the operation, includes a number indicating the number of rows affected by the operation or an error if the operation failed.
const result = db.delete("user:1234");
if (result.success) {
  console.log(`Deleted ${} rows`);
} else {


Renames a key in the database.

  • Parameters:
    • oldKey: The current key name.
    • newKey: The new key name.
  • Returns:
    • The result of the operation, includes a boolean indicating whether the operation was successful or an error if the operation failed.
if (db.rename("user:old_id", "user:new_id").success) {
  console.log("Key renamed successfully");
} else {

Get Expire

Gets the expiration date of a key.

  • Parameters:
    • key: The key to check.
  • Returns:
    • The result of the operation, includes the expiration date of the key or an error if the operation failed.
const result = db.getExpire("session:5678");
if (result.success) {
  console.log(`Expiration date: ${}`);
} else {

Set Expire

Sets or update the expiration date of a key.

  • Parameters:
    • key: The key to set the expiration date for.
    • expiresAt: The expiration date to set as Date object or number of milliseconds.
  • Returns:
    • The result of the operation, includes a boolean indicating whether the operation was successful or an error if the operation failed.
// Date object expiration
if (db.setExpire("user:1234", new Date("2028-12-31")).success) {
  console.log("Expiration date set successfully");
} else {

// Number of milliseconds expiration
if (db.setExpire("user:1234", 90000).success) {
  console.log("Expiration date set successfully");
} else {


Retrieves keys matching a pattern.

  • Parameters:
    • pattern: Optional SQL LIKE pattern to match keys. Defaults to "%" which matches all keys.
  • Returns:
    • The result of the operation, includes an array of matching keys or an error if the operation failed.
// Get all keys with result type handling
const result = db.keys();
if (result.success) {
} else {

// Get all keys
const allKeys = db.keys();

// Get keys starting with "user:"
const userKeys = db.keys("user:%");

// Get keys with exactly 5 characters
const fiveCharKeys = db.keys("_____");

// Get keys starting with "log", followed by exactly two characters, and ending with any number of characters
const logKeys = db.keys("log__:%");


Retrieves a paginated list of keys matching a pattern.

  • Parameters:
    • limit: The maximum number of keys to return per page.
    • page: The page number to retrieve (1-based index).
    • pattern: Optional SQL LIKE pattern to match keys. Defaults to "%" which matches all keys.
  • Returns:
    • The result of the operation, includes an array of keys that match the pattern or an error if the operation failed.
// Get the first 5 keys from the database with result type handling
const result = db.pagination(5, 1);
if (result.success) {
} else {

// Get the first 5 keys from the database
const firstPage = db.pagination(5, 1);

// Get the first 10 keys with pattern
const firstUsersPage = db.pagination(10, 1, "user:%");

// Get the next 10 keys with pattern
const secondUsersPage = db.pagination(10, 2, "user:%");


Returns an array of keys that have expired between the given start and end dates.

  • Parameters:
    • start: The start date or timestamp.
    • end: The end date or timestamp.
    • pattern: Optional pattern to match against the keys.
  • Returns:
    • The result of the operation, includes an array of keys or an error if the operation failed.
// Get the expired keys between two dates
const result = db.expiredRange(new Date("2023-01-01"), new Date("2023-01-31"));

if (result.success) {
} else {


Counts the number of keys in the database.

  • Parameters:
    • pattern: Optional SQL LIKE pattern to match keys. Defaults to "%" which matches all keys.
  • Returns:
    • The result of the operation, includes the number of keys in the database or an error if the operation failed.
// Get the total number of keys with result type handling
const result = db.count();
if (result.success) {
  console.log(`Total keys: ${}`);
} else {

// Get the number of keys matching "user:%"
const userCount = db.count("user:%");

Note: The count method is faster than using keys().length because it directly executes a SQL query optimized for counting rows. Use count when you need to determine the number of keys, as it provides better performance compared to fetching all keys and measuring their length.

Count Expired

Counts the number of expired keys in the database.

  • Parameters:
    • pattern: Optional SQL LIKE pattern to match keys. Defaults to "%" which matches all keys.
  • Returns:
    • The result of the operation, includes the number of expired keys in the database or an error if the operation failed.
// Get the total number of expired keys with result type handling
const result = db.countExpired();
if (result.success) {
  console.log(`Total expired keys: ${}`);
} else {

// Get the number of expired keys matching "user:%"
const userCountExpired = db.countExpired("user:%");

Multi Get

Retrieves multiple values from the database by their keys.

  • Parameters:
    • keys: An array of keys to look up.
  • Returns:
    • The result of the operation, includes an array of values or an error if the operation failed.
const result = db.multiGet<User>(["user:1234", "user:5678"]);
if (result.success) {
} else {

Multi Set

Sets multiple key-value pairs in the database with optional expirations.

  • Parameters:
    • entries: An array of objects containing key, value, and optional expiresAt date as a Date object or number of milliseconds.
  • Returns:
    • The result of the operation, includes a boolean indicating whether the operation was successful or an error if the operation failed.
const result = db.multiSet<User>([
    key: "user:1234",
    value: { name: "Ahmad", age: 15 },
    expiresAt: new Date("2025-12-31"), // 1 year in Date object
    key: "user:5678",
    value: { name: "Fatima", age: 30 },
    expiresAt: 86400000, // 1 day in milliseconds
  { key: "user:7890", value: { name: "Mohamed", age: 25 } }, // No expiration

if (result.success) {
} else {

Multi Delete

Deletes multiple key-value pairs from the database.

  • Parameters:
    • keys: An array of keys to delete.
  • Returns:
    • The result of the operation, includes the number of rows affected by the operation or an error if the operation failed.
const result = db.multiDelete(["user:1234", "user:5678"]);
if (result.success) {
  console.log(`Deleted ${} rows`);
} else {


Removes expired key-value pairs from the database.

  • Returns:
    • The result of the operation, includes the number of rows affected by the operation or an error if the operation failed.
const result = db.cleanup();
if (result.success) {
  console.log(`Cleaned up ${} rows`);
} else {

Note: Regularly run the cleanup() method to optimize the database and reduce its size.


Optimizes the database file, reducing its size.

  • Returns:
    • The result of the operation, includes a boolean indicating whether the operation was successful or an error if the operation failed.
if (db.vacuum().success) {
  console.log("Database vacuumed successfully");
} else {

Note: Regularly run the vacuum() method to optimize the database and reduce its size.


Ensures all the changes are written to disk.

  • Returns:
    • The result of the operation, includes the number of rows affected by the operation or an error if the operation failed.
const result = db.flush();
if (result.success) {
  console.log(`Flushed ${} rows`);
} else {


Creates a namespaced database instance.

  • Parameters:
    • name: The name of the namespace.
  • Returns:
    • A new database instance with the namespace applied.
// Create a new database instance
const db = new MiftahDB(":memory:");

// Make a namespaced database instance
const users = db.namespace("users");
const posts = db.namespace("posts");
const comments = db.namespace("comments");

// Set/Get a value with a namespace
users.set("852335", { name: "Ahmad" });

// Will count the keys only on the "users" namespace only

// Will remove expired keys only on the "users" namespace only

// Will remove all keys only on the "users" namespace only


Executes a raw SQL statement and returns the result.

  • Parameters:
    • sql: The SQL statement to execute.
    • params: Optional parameters to bind to the SQL statement.
  • Returns:
    • The result of the operation, includes the result of the SQL query or an error if the operation failed.
// Execute a SELECT statement and get results
const result = db.execute("SELECT * FROM miftahdb WHERE key LIKE ? LIMIT 5;", [

if (result.success) {
} else {


Backups the database to a file asynchronously.

  • Parameters:
    • path: The path to where the backup should be saved.
const db = new MiftahDB(":memory:");

db.set("key", "value");

const result = await db.backup("backup-1.db");
if (result.success) {
  console.log("Backup completed successfully");
} else {


Restores the database from a backup file asynchronously.

  • Parameters:
    • path: The path to the backup file.
const db = new MiftahDB(":memory:");

const result = await db.restore("backup-1.db");
if (result.success) {
  console.log("Restore completed successfully");
} else {



Closes the database connection.


Supported Value Types

MiftahDB supports various value types:

No Type
1 String
2 Number
3 Boolean
4 Array
5 Record (Object)
6 Date
7 Buffer (Binary Data)
8 Uint8Array (Binary Data)
9 Null

Example for each type:

db.set("String", "Hello!");
db.set("Number", 42);
db.set("Boolean", true);
db.set("Array", [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
db.set("Record", { name: "Ahmad", age: 15 });
db.set("Date", new Date());
db.set("Buffer", Buffer.from([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]));
db.set("Uint8Array", new Uint8Array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]));
db.set("Null", null);

Pattern Matching

MiftahDB provides powerful pattern matching capabilities for working with keys. You can use patterns in multiple methods, such as:

  • db.keys(pattern)
  • db.pagination(limit, page, pattern)
  • db.count(pattern)
  • db.countExpired(pattern)

The pattern syntax follows SQL-like wildcard matching:

  • %: Matches any sequence of characters (including none).
  • _: Matches exactly one character.
// Match keys starting with "user:"

// Match keys ending with "osama"

// Match keys starting with "osama" and ending with any number of characters

// Match keys that are exactly 3 characters long

// Combine patterns: Match keys starting with "log", followed by exactly two characters, and ending with any number of characters

TypeScript Typing & Generics

MiftahDB is fully typed with TypeScript, allowing you to leverage TypeScript's static type checking and type inference. You can use generic types to specify the type of values stored and retrieved from the database.

When retrieving values from MiftahDB, you can define the type of the stored value for better type safety:

type User = {
  name: string;
  age: number;

// Set a value with TypeScript typing
db.set<User>("user:1234", {
  name: "Ahmad",
  age: 15,

// Retrieve the value with TypeScript typing
const getResult = db.get<User>("user:1234");
if (getResult.success) {
  console.log(`User: ${}`);
} else {

// Multi-Set a value with TypeScript typing
    key: "user:2345",
    value: { name: "Ahmad", age: 15 },
    expiresAt: new Date("2025-12-31"),
  { key: "user:7890", value: { name: "Mohamed", age: 25 } },

// Multi-Get a value with TypeScript typing
const multiGetResult = db.multiGet<User>(["user:2345", "user:7890"]);
if (multiGetResult.success) {
} else {

Performance Considerations

MiftahDB is designed for high performance:

  1. Synchronous API reduces overhead and improves concurrency
  2. Optimized SQLite settings for improved performance
  3. In-memory database option for maximum speed

For best performance, consider the following tips:

  • Use in-memory databases for temporary or cache-like data
  • Regularly run the cleanup() and vacuum() methods to optimize the database