proci is a Go library that provides a set of functions for listing processes and get following information for each process:
- The process path and name
- The process command line (that was executed when the process was started)
- The process RAM memory usage
Additionaly this library has functions for get:
- The total physical RAM memory installed on the computer
- The available physical RAM memory on the computer
Supported platforms:
- Windows 64 bit
More platforms might be added in future.
To see the full list of proci functions, check out the documentation on
go get
import (
package main
import (
func main() {
pids := proci.GetProcessPids()
for i:=0 ; i < len(pids) ; i++ {
pid := pids[i]
if pid == 0 {
// This is the idle process. No operations can be performed on it.
path, patherr := proci.GetProcessPath(pid)
if patherr != nil {
fmt.Println(" GetProcessPath for PID", pid, "returned error:", patherr)
fmt.Println(" Path:", path)
commandLine, cmderr := proci.GetProcessCommandLine(pid)
if cmderr != nil {
// Expected for some Windows system processes.
fmt.Println(" Unable to read command line for PID", pid," error: ", cmderr)
} else {
fmt.Println(" Command line:", commandLine)
memoryUsage, memerr := proci.GetProcessMemoryUsage(pid)
if memerr != nil {
fmt.Println(" GetProcessMemoryUsage for PID", pid, "returned error:", memerr)
fmt.Println(" Memory usage:", memoryUsage, "B (", memoryUsage / 1024 / 1024, "MB )")
This library is written by Joel Midstjärna and is licensed under the MIT License.