a simple C library for Sending RC5 Commands for AVR + an Example test.
The main Micro Freq. must be 8 Mhz.
Timer 0 reserved for counting, DONT change it.
ADDR_LEN --------------> destination address bit length.(default:5)
DATA_LEN ---------------> Command bit length.(default:6)
MODULATION_LEN -----> How many modulated pulses are in a Half cycle?(default:32)
OUTPUT_PORT ----------> The output GPIO of transmitter.(default:PORTA.0)
void send_command(bool bit_toggle, uint8_t addr, uint8_t data);
it will generate a complete RC5 command and transmit it to output.
bit_toggle -------------> could be 0 or 1.
addr -------------------> The destination address(0-2^ADDR_LEN -1).
data -------------------> The command(0-2^DATA_LEN -1).