Locke is a basic documentation repository based on the standard Raneto distribution.
At the time of writing Raneto is at version 0.9.0 and is in the middle of the process of becoming an npm package. The main repository needed polishing and the base distribution has some hardcoded stuff that makes a bit difficult to customize themes and cconfiguration.
Still it is a killer application to write, maintain and deploy a knowledge base with ease.
To find our more about Raneto and how we use it in SparkFabrik:
Raneto website is a free, open, simple Markdown powered Knowledgebase for Node.js.
What is Raneto
Visit http://docs.raneto.com to see a demo and get started!
A primer on SparkFabrik dockerized documentation
Run this in a terminal and then visit http://localhost:3000.
For full Installation instructions, see the Installation Guide.
git clone https://github.com/sparkfabrik/Locke.git && cd Locke && npm install && npm start
Raneto was created by Gilbert Pellegrom from Dev7studios.
Raneto is maintained by Ryan Lelek from AnsibleTutorials.com.
Locke was forked and created by Paolo Pustorino for SparkFabrik and is maintained by the SparkFabrik stuff, mostly by Francesco Benigno
Released under the MIT license.