this will use konsole as the default terminal emulator for eve-ng on linux boxes
Install konsole by running the command below on terminal
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y sudo apt install konsole gedit wget -qO- | sh
- Open EVE-NG file configuration.
cp /usr/bin/eve-ng-integration /usr/bin/eve-ng-integration.bak
sudo gedit /usr/bin/eve-ng-integration
- Change the _terminal_emulator_cmd(self) class
def _terminal_emulator_cmd(self):
if self.override_terminal:
return self.override_terminal.split()
elif self._is_command('x-terminal-emulator'):
return ['konsole', '--new-tab', '-e']
elif self._current_desktop('cinnamon', 'gnome', 'unity'):
return ['konsole', '--new-tab', '-e']
elif self._current_desktop('kde'):
return ['konsole', '--new-tab', '-e']
elif self._current_desktop('lxde', 'lxqt'):
return ['konsole', '--new-tab', '-e']
elif self._current_desktop('mate'):
return ['konsole', '--new-tab', '-e']
elif self._current_desktop('pantheon'):
return ['konsole', '--new-tab', '-e']
elif self._current_desktop('xfce'):
return ['konsole', '--new-tab', '-e']
elif self._is_command('urxvt'):
return ['konsole', '--new-tab', '-e']
return ['konsole', '--new-tab', '-e']
- Edit exec environmente to make it work.
sudo gedit /usr/share/applications/eve-ng-integration.desktop
Exec=env OVERRIDE_TERMINAL_CMD="konsole --new-tab -e" eve-ng-integration %u
- Restart and test the terminal.
- have fun.