Dynamic GraphQL API for Elasticsearch.
Sturgeon dynamically creates GraphQL schemas and resolvers for each index in an Elasticsearch cluster.
It currently provides schemas for querying documents by ID, a list of documents, and several simple aggregations.
Users can specify search parameters using the boolean_query
argument, which supports boolean range queries for float, integer and timestamp values.
More complex arguments and search options will be available soon.
The above image shows example queries for the three GraphQL schemas generated from a single Elasticsearch index.
With Elasticsearch running on your local machine on port 9200
, use the following docker run
command to start Sturgeon on
port 8080
docker run -e STURGEON_ELASTICSEARCH_HOSTS=http://host.docker.internal:9200 -e STURGEON_ENABLE_GRAPHIQL=true -p 8080:8080 --rm mewil/sturgeon:latest
After the GraphQL schema is generated and the server is running, the GraphiQL UI will be accessible at http://localhost:8080/graphql.
Sturgeon can be configured using the following environment variables:
Variable | Description | Default |
A comma-separated list of Elasticsearch hosts including URL scheme (e.g. http://host.docker.internal:9200 ) |
[] |
A pattern that determines which Elasticsearch indices are used to create GraphQL schemas, see the Elasticsearch Get Mapping API for possible values | "*" |
A regular expression that can be used to ignore document field prefixes when generating a GraphQL schema | ".*" |
Used to enable or disable aggregation schemas | true |
Used to enable or disable a GraphiQL web interface | false |
Port on which to serve the GraphQL endpoint | 8080 |
URL path on which to serve the GraphQL endpoint | / |
Used to enable or disable logging of queries sent to Elasticsearch | true |
Used to enable or disable logging of query results from Elasticsearch | true |
Disclaimer: Sturgeon is actively under development and may not behave as expected.