A Game of Tic Tac Toe
Wireframe tic-tac-toe-wireframe.png
three columns for body
grid container for board - 9 square divs
new game button and game history in first column, blocks
right column has win and tie counters in a flex container in a row
turn display for whose turn it is in right column
Planned features
for MVP
- logic for game win/tie
- new game button
- mark elements as clickable or not
extra features
- local storage
- game history
- hover effects for valid turns
Completed initial layout, ready to start coding logic
Comepleted tic-tac-toe logic, playable game, completed all required user stories
Bonus features added: Game history, win/tie counters
To-do: local storage, better styling, future---> online multiplayer
potentially update check winner logic, not very clean right now
Bonus feature added: Local Storage
- Uses the browser's Window.localStorage property, which is an object
- Stores data in key value pairs that persists across page reloads and opening and closing tab/browser
- get/set data with localStorage.getItem, localStorage.setItem
- https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Window/localStorage
To-do: better styling, online multiplayer (websockets)
UI tries to emulate this theme: https://webflow.com/templates/html/dashdark-x-devlink-website-template
Added hover/preview effects for the board
- Using mouseEnter to change things when mouse pointer enters a square and mouseOut to revert the square back to default state
- Didn't use mouseOver, was having issues changing back to original state when no longer mousing over
Would really like to pursue adding multiplayer in the future with FireBase.
Rough idea: Use realtime database to store the state of the board and use it to update each clients view, probably would store similar data that is being saved in localstorage now.