A collection of calculators and conversions taking the formula and providing an example of how it works. Most will be Jupyter Notebooks as they allow for the formula to be written in Markdown/Latex and a description of how to solve the conversation.
I am no expert so please double check the maths before you use this for anything mission critical etc.
- Flow Cups, equations convert cup drain time for paint flow cups using calibration oils.
- PT100, equations to calculate temperatures and resistances for Platinum Resistance Thermometers.
- Show my maths.
- Where possible show the sources for where elements come in (Do not assume that everyone knows the specific gas constant for dry air)
- Provide an example result for validation (check it against others)
- Share the examples so people writing code do not have to go hunting for it.
- Add interactivity, using Jupyter Notebooks as an interface to the formulas to allow people to use them live.