This application help to export Issues from SonarQube service.
Open resources/
file and type in your sonar configurations:
Start the application in dev mode
mvn clean compile exec:exec
Start the application in prod mode
mvn clean package
cd target/dist
unzip *
Once application has been started, you should see something like:
__ _ _ ___ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _
(_ / \ |\ | /\ |_) | (_ (_ | | |_ |_ \/ |_) / \ |_) | |_ |_)
__) \_/ | \| /--\ | \ _|_ __) __) |_| |_ |_ /\ | \_/ | \ | |_ | \
powered by ActFramework r1.4.13-282a3
version: r1.0.0-${buildNumber}
scan pkg: com.pixolut.sonar
base dir: /home/luog/p/pixolut/SonarExport
pid: 11865
profile: dev
mode: DEV
zen: Explicit is better than implicit.
22:28:49.476 [main] INFO a.Act - loading application(s) ...
22:28:49.484 [main] INFO a.a.App - App starting ....
22:28:49.592 [main] WARN a.c.AppConfig - Application secret key not set! You are in the dangerous zone!!!
22:28:49.635 [main] WARN a.a.DbServiceManager - DB service not initialized: No DB plugin found
22:28:50.670 [main] WARN a.m.MailerConfig - smtp host configuration not found, will use mock smtp to send email
22:28:50.670 [main] WARN a.c.AppConfig - host is not configured. Use localhost as hostname
22:28:50.915 [main] INFO a.a.App - App[Sonar Issue Exporter] loaded in 1431ms
22:28:50.921 [jobs-thread-3] INFO a.Act - start compiling API book
22:28:50.941 [main] INFO o.xnio - XNIO version 3.3.8.Final
22:28:50.966 [main] INFO o.x.nio - XNIO NIO Implementation Version 3.3.8.Final
22:28:51.130 [main] INFO a.Act - network client hooked on port: 5460
22:28:51.132 [main] INFO a.Act - CLI server started on port: 5461
22:28:51.133 [main] INFO a.Act - it takes 2933ms to start the app
Now you can open browser at http://localhost:5460
to view the home page and click on download
Tips You can also run the app in your IDE by run the main entry class Report