XOPE Programming Language
Supported OS: Ubuntu 64 bit or equivalent linux distro Supported Asesmbler: NASM Recommended Intel Processor
Check out examples folder to see how this works, https://github.com/meetesh06/xope_4.2/tree/main/examples
xope_installer.sh can be used to install the dependencies and add xope command to path
Some interesting quirks about XOPE, It uses some custom implementation for printing stuff to screen instead of printf It has been heavily optimized assembly code for things xope can do, check out base/headers.c like printing multi digit numbers, etc.
The code is heavily commented and should be easy to read and compile make sure to use a stable make release to compile the code.
The language has support for shorthand, like I instead of If and things like >./ , where ./ is a shorthand for newline which is given to the > print thingie.
If there are any issues, contact [email protected]