Tutorial for a Zenphoto overview OSM Fotomap with all photos.
Required Plugins:
zp_openstreetmap v1.1.2
The Github albummap.php
contains only a content for a albumxxx.php
in a zenphoto theme.
1.) FTP
Duplicate your /themes/[themename]/album.php
to /themes/[themename]/albummap.php
2.) FTP
Insert the PHP code from the Github albummap.php
in the HTML <body>
of the /themes/[themename]/albummap.php
If you use database table prefixes, then you have to insert it in the right place in the PHP code.
$result = query("SELECT `prefix_images`.`albumid`, `prefix_images`.`id` AS imageid, `prefix_images`.`EXIFGPSLatitude` AS exiflat, `prefix_images`.`EXIFGPSLongitude` AS exiflon, `prefix_images`.`filename`, `prefix_albums`.`id`, `prefix_albums`.`folder` FROM `prefix_images` INNER JOIN `prefix_albums` ON `prefix_images`.`albumid`=`prefix_albums`.`id` WHERE `prefix_images`.`show` = '1'");
Info: You can freely design the albummap.php
Remove all code to display albums and pictures.
These code parts can be removed:
<div id="images">
<?php while (next_image()): ?>
<div id="albums">
<?php while (next_album()): ?>
3.) Zenphoto admin area
Activate the required Plugins
= enable "Albums"
zp_openstreetmap v1.1.2
4.) Zenphoto admin area
Create a new static album New Album
with a name of your choice.
5.) Zenphoto admin area
Go to the created new static album and select the albummap.php
as the layout for this album.
- Albums
Utilities (sidebar right)->
Select album layout: "albummap"
6.) CSS & HTML
Style the OSM map width and height independently from the plugin settings.
Use the zp_openstreetmap
PHP function printOpenStreetMap();
in your albummap.php
in a HTML div box and set the width and height via CSS. You can put the CSS in the albummap.php <head>.
.zposmdivbox #osm_map {
width: 100% !important;
height: 800px !important;
<div class="zposmdivbox">
<?php printOpenStreetMap(); ?>
A "height" in px or similar (not percent) is required.
7.) OSM Map Popups with/without title and/or description and/or thumbnail
Use the following linked zp_openstreetmap.php
file for the zp_openstreetmap
Replace the original with it.
This file expand the zp_openstreetmap
plugin to individually select the display of title
, description
and thumbnail
8.) Additional feature
With several thousand photos, loading the page with the overview OSM fotomap can take a long time.
If it supports your server, use PHP ob_flush()
and flush()
with a Javascript code and a Loading Spacer gif or JavaScript progress bar.
Put this code in the /themes/[themename]/albummap.php
directly above the code from the Github albummap.php:
<div class="osmmapspacer" style="width: 100%;margin: 0 auto;text-align: center;">
<span>Please wait. The Fotomap is loading.</span><br>
<img src="/themes/basiczen/images/osmmapspacer.gif">
// source: http://www.joeyrivera.com/2008/ob_start-ob_flush-flush-set_time_limit-give-user-feedback-during-execution/
if (ob_get_level() == 0) { ob_start(); }
for($i=0; $i<70; $i++) {
print str_pad('',4096)."\n";
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(event) {
document.getElementsByClassName("osmmapspacer")[0].style.display = "none";
Don't forget to save a img src="/themes/basiczen/images/osmmapspacer.gif
Yo can find a spacer gif in /zp-core/zp-extensions/bxslider_thumb_nav/images/bx_loader.gif
, or use your own.
An another nice gimmick for page load waiting is a fake progress bar.
<div class="osmfotomapwait" style="width: 100%;background-color: #ddd;">
<div class="osmfotomapwaitbar" style="width: 0.1%;height: 15px;background-color: #4CAF50;"></div>
var width = 0.1;
var id = setInterval(frame, 30); // Seconds to load
function frame() {
if (width >= 100) {
} else {
width = width + 0.1;
document.getElementsByClassName("osmfotomapwaitbar")[0].style.width = width + '%';
You can put it between the text and the spacer gif.
JSFiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/9x6c57af/
Source: https://www.w3schools.com/howto/howto_js_progressbar.asp