This is a Full stack MERN Project , with admin pannel , and payment gateway system with stripe and also secured the apis with JWT. In this website and user can purchase premium article subscription, also an user can add his own articles and admin can review them , also admin can delete them if false article came up then admin can review them and also decline it with declining massages , on the other hand if an user upload an article he/she have to wait for the admin approvel to display them in all articles , all of the article of an user will show in my article.
- Home Page responsive
- Login & Register System
- Admin Pannel
- Private Route System
- Loader
- CRUD Method
- Dynamics Routes
- Secure Database (JWT)
- Stripe Payments
- Firebase config
- npm/yarn
- Mongodb uri
- React
- Node js
- Mongodb
- Express
- Stripe
Live link of the Website :