LiveSound offers simpliest codes and a user-friendly GUI, making it accessible for everyone to capture and record the captivating sounds of their live experiences.
git clone <project-url>
python install
usage: record-local [-h] [-gui] [-sd] [-tg] [-spg] [-sr SAMPLE_RATE] [-cs CHUNK_SIZE]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-sd, --select_device choose your output speaker device index
-spg, --set_post_gain output speaker post gain (dB)
-v, --visiable open visiable screen
-pf, --play_folder play all waveform (*.wav) inside the folder
-cs CHUNK_SIZE, --chunk_size CHUNK_SIZE stream chunk buffer size
usage: record-local [-h] [-sd] [-tg] [-spg] [-sr SAMPLE_RATE] [-cs CHUNK_SIZE]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-gui, --use_gui open recorder GUI
-sd, --select_device choose your microphone device index
-tg, --test_gain test microphone average gain (dB)
-spg, --set_pre_gain set microphone pre gain (dB)
-sr SAMPLE_RATE, --sample_rate SAMPLE_RATE recording sample rate
-cs CHUNK_SIZE, --chunk_size CHUNK_SIZE stream chunk buffer size