Modifies BEX (and BTXMinusWeapons, if present) for CAC.
Installation/Update: (requires working BEX installation)
- Remove BTMLColorLOSMod, MechResizer and StablePiloting from your BTX installation (as CAC, CU and MechAffinity basically do the same)
- update CAB
- remove IRBModUtils (CAC-C for now contains their own versions of them)
- remove any previous version of CAC-C, CAE, CAC, CC, CLoc, CPrewarm, CU, CVoices, if they exist
- Add BTX_CAC_Compatibility, overriding files
Versioning: The first 2 parts of the version number match the intended BEX version number. The other 2 follow semantic versioning. A "b" as last char in the github release/git tag indicates beta status, this is not included in assembly/mod.json. There will not be different releases that differ only in this beta marker.
Component list (Clan & SLDF ones included):
- Weapons (& Ammo)
- Energy
- PPC: added FI OFF mode
- ER PPC: -
- Snub PPC: 5 projectiles, damage falloff over long range, extra mode with 1 projectile
- Laser: -
- ER Laser: -
- Heavy Laser: -
- Binary Laser: fixed animation
- Pulse Laser: fixed animation
- X-Pulse Laser: changed to single projectile
- Tag: attacking a tagged unit ignores evasion+indirect penalities, tag gets removed when unit moves, upgraded tags have a bonus to its own hit chance
- Flamer: added forestfires
- Ballistic
- AC: fixed firing speed, special ammo types
- LBX: can switch ammo between cluster and ac (including special ac ammo types)
- UAC/RAC: fixed firing speed, no access to special ammo types
- Gauss: -
- Silver Bullet Gauss: fixed multiple projectiles
- Heavy Gauss: -
- Light Gauss: -
- MG: added double speed mode (double shots, -4 acc, +5 heat)
- AMS: MG that shoots at incoming missles (20 shots at 0.5 acc) (can overload for 30 shots + jam chance (fires at all nearby missles) / can be used as MG)
- Missle
- LRM: added hotload mode, added Deadfire ammo (narc, tag or artemis compatible)
- Artemis IV LRM: turned into a Weapon Addon for LRMs (deprecated)
- SRM: added inferno ammo (inferno causes fires everywhere), added Deadfire ammo (narc or artemis compatible)
- Artemis IV SRM: turned into a Weapon Addon for SRMs (deprecated)
- Streak SRM: added inferno ammo, added streak effect, added Deadfire ammo
- NARC: multiple pods
- Homing Pod: attacking a narced unit has an +4 accuracy boost, better clustering, narc pod gets removed after 3 rounds, ecm blocks narc acc bonus
- Explosive Pod: damge (kurita shops after 3059)
- ATM: 3 ammo types, trading damage for range, added clustering
- Infernos: Broken, use SRM inferno ammo instead
- MRM: individual hit generator, unguided flag
- RL: individual hit generator, unguided flag
- iNarc: multiple pods
- Homing Pod: attacking a narced unit has an +4 accuracy boost, better clustering, narc pod gets removed after 3 rounds, ecm blocks narc acc bonus
- Explosive Pod: damge
- Haywire Pod: -3 accuracy for 3 rounds
- Artillery
- Thumper: light artillery (replaces HM mortar / Bull Shark)
- Sniper: medium artillery (found in mining shops) (tag compatible)
- Long Tom: heavy artillery (found in mining shops, only mountable in Bull Shark)
- Arrow IV: medium artillery (lostech / FP reward / Liao shops after 3049)
- Artillery Loader: every artillery needs a Loader attached in the same or adjacent location (found in mining shops)
- Energy
- Electronics
- Guardian ECM: -20% detectability, 180m aura (ECM: +4 defense, indirect immune, sensorlock immune, friendly only, blue or ECCM: negates 1 ECM, cyan)
- Liao Prototype ECM: -10% detectability, 90m aura (ECM: +4 defense, indirect immune, sensorlock immune, friendly only, blue or ECCM: negates 1 ECM, cyan)
- Packrat ECM (only in Packrat vehicle): 90m aura (+4 defense, indirect immune, friendly + enemy, blue)
- AP
- Beagle Active Probe: +150m sensor range, free action sensor lock, 120m active probe ping (free action) (brown)
- Liao Prototype AP: +100m sensor range, free action sensor lock, 90m active probe ping (free action) (brown)
- Mech Quiks
- Improved Sensors Quirk: +50m sensor range (stacks with AP)
- Improved Comms Quirk: 200m aura (removes indirect immune) (hostile only) (green)
- Stealth:
- Null Signature System: Activatable (+2 defense, -50% detectability, +1 stealth, sensorlock immune (counts as 10 Guardians), +10 heat)
- Chameleon Light Polarization Shield: Activatable (+2 defense, -50% visibility, +1 stealth, +6 heat)
- Upgrades
- AMS: Broken, use Ballistic Weapon AMS instead
- TSM: Auto activates at >27 heat (*2 melee damage, + 60m movement)
- Prototype TSM: Auto activates at >27 heat (*1.5 melee damage, +30m movement)
- MASC: Activatable (*2 speed) (fail chance 15%, add up per turn in use)
- Coolant Pod: doubles heatsinking for 1 turn, 1 activation per pod (does not stack)
- Artemis IV FCS: attaches to one SRM or LRM launcher and gives it: +4 direct fire acc, better clustering (can be turned off to fire special ammo or use tag/narc)
- PPC Capacitor: attaches to one PPC (including ER, Heavy and Snub) and gives it: CAP Mode (+25 DMG, +15 Heat, 1 turn Weapon Cooldown)
- Argo Upgrades
- Storage: added 3 additional storage upgrades, each giving a new mechbay to use
- Engine Repairs: The storage upgrades do fix BiggerDrops tonnage increase upgrades, by giving you a way to fullfill their requirements
- Indirect Fire changes:
- Shooting at something you cannot see (but your ally can) is considered Indirect Fire, and in turn will be blocked if the target is covered by ECM
- You only get an accuracy penalty for Indirect Fire if you have to shoot over obstacles to hit your target (if it was considered Indirect Fire by the old rules)
- Mechs
- Exterminator:
- EXT-4C (stealth, SLDF) (ComStar)
- Goliath:
- GOL-1H (quad, SLDF/SW) (low chance everywhere, factory Oliver/Stewart)
- GOL-3M (quad, HC) (Liao/Marik after 3047, factory Stewart)
- GOL-3M2 (quad, HC) (Liao/Marik after 3052, factory Stewart)
- Helepolis:
- HEP-1H (sniper arty, SLDF) (very low chance Liao)
- HEP-3H (sniper arty, SLDF) (ComStar/Snords)
- Phoenix Hawk LAM:
- PHX-HK1 (SLDF Royal LAM) (ComStar)
- PHX-HK1R (SLDF Royal LAM) (WoB)
- PHX-HK2 (SLDF LAM) (ComStar/Great Houses)
- PHX-HK2M (SW LAM) (ComStar/Great Houses)
- Scorpion:
- SCP-1N (quad, SLDF/SW) (low chance everywhere, factory Oliver)
- SCP-1O (quad, HC) (Kurita/Liao/Marik after 3049, factory Oliver)
- Screamer LAM:
- SCR-1X-LAM (Experimental LAM) (N/A)
- Sirocco:
- SRC-3C (quad, HC) (Liao/Marik/WoB after 3060, factory Stewart)
- SRC-5C (quad, HC) (Marik/WoB after 3060, factory Stewart)
- Stinger LAM:
- STG-A1 (SLDF Royal LAM) (ComStar)
- STG-A5 (SLDF LAM) (ComStar/Great Houses, factory Irece)
- STG-A10 (SW LAM) (ComStar/Kurita, factory Irece)
- Tarantula:
- ZPH-1 (quad, HC) (low chance everywhere after 3054, factory Stewart)
- ZPH-2A (quad, HC) (ComStar/Great Houses after 3060, factory Stewart)
- UrbanMech LAM:
- UM-LAM-X (Experimental LAM) (Kurita/Liao, Flying High Again mission)
- Wasp LAM:
- WSP-100 (SLDF LAM) (ComStar)
- WSP-100b (SLDF Royal LAM) (ComStar)
- WSP-105 (SLDF LAM) (ComStar/Great Houses)
- WSP-105M (SW LAM) (Marik/WoB)
- Exterminator:
What to do when adding CAC-C into an existing savegame:
- Store and ready every mech that has any of the following fixed equipment:
- any ECM (you are fine if the component has - X% Detectability as bonus)
- any ActiveProbe (you are fine if the component has +Xm Sensor Range as bonus)
- any TSM (you are fine if the in mission GUI shows only one active component for it)
- MASC (you are fine if the in mission GUI shows only one active component for it)
- Bull Shark BSK-MAZ (you are fine if it has a fixed Integrated Artillery Mount)
- Remove any equipment and use its new replacements (use the savegame editor to change the parts in your inventory if you want):
- Liao ECM (Gear_Sensor_Prototype_ECM -> Gear_SensorCAC_LiaoProtoECM)
- Liao AP (Gear_Sensor_Prototype_ActiveProbe -> Gear_SensorCAC_LiaoProtoAP)
- AMS upgrade components (Gear_AMS_XXX -> Weapon_AMSCAC_XXX) to AMS weapons & MG ammo
- Infernos Launcher (Weapon_Inferno_Inferno2_XXX -> Ammo_AmmunitionBox_Generic_SRM_Inferno) to standard SRMs with Inferno ammo
- Deadfire LRMs/SRMs (Weapon_SRM_DFSRMX_0-STOCK -> Ammo_AmmunitionBox_Generic_SRM_DF)(Weapon_LRM_DFLRMX_0-STOCK -> Ammo_AmmunitionBox_Generic_LRM_DF) to standard LRMs/SRMs with deadfire ammo
- Mech Mortar (Gear_Mortar_MechMortar -> Weapon_MortarCAC_ThumperFree) to Thumper with matching ammo (requires ballistics slot)
- Artemis SRM/LRM (Weapon_SRM_ASRMXXX/Weapon_LRM_ALRMXXX -> Gear_Addon_Artemis4) to a matching standard SRM/LRM launcher with Artemis IV FCS attachment
- weather acc modifiers?
- component upgrader ammo/addon
- TTS addon?
TODO List:
- imp sensor unlocks sensorlock without skill (add to irtweaks)
- multitarget quirk unlocks without skill? (irtweaks stat)
- a-pods CAE?
- edit texts
- NARC reveals target?
- Flamers & Inferno ammo balance
- ECM tohit balance
Known bugs:
- CustomLoc patchig strings
- i recommend having a look at BT_Extended_CE/mod.json settings and enable some of these in all modes
- If you want Urban vehicles to leave blood on destruction, look at CACs settings and change "DrawBloodChance" to 0.3
- manual deployment can be enabled via CU, set "DeployManual": to true to do so (warning: laggy)
Manual setup:
- clone git repo, including submodules
- correct paths in dll
- compile Package for release:
- update version info in mod.json and dll
- setup additionalDependencies
- SimpleMechAssembly
- IRBModUtils
- BiggerDrops
- MechAffinity 1.4 (dll only)
- CustomComponents (latest, Dec 28, 2023)
- CAC & CAE repos
- compile CAC & CAE
- compile as release
- use pack.bat
- CMiSSioN for CustomBundle
- everyone involved in RougeTech (also Crackfox for Vanilla CAC) for examples and inspiration on how to use CB
- Haree for BTX, Tarantula and Scorpion jsons
- Hounfor for the Quad, LAM and Helepolis icons
- lordruthermore for half working Goliath jsons
- Pode for half working LAM jsons
- Pode/bhtrail for looking up mech loadouts
- Hounfor + Graywolfe for helping updating to BTX 1.9.3
- Hounfor for Flying High Again contracts
- Kierk for Scorpion/Tarantula pathing
- Kierk for adapting mechs, affinities, shops and xotl tables to 2.0