- Latex
- Latex packages
- Page Layout
- geometry provides an easy and flexible user interface to customize page layout, implementing auto-centering and auto-balancing mechanisms so that the users have only to give the least description for the page layout. For example, if you want to set each margin 2cm without header space, what you need is just
. - titlesec providing an interface to sectioning commands for selection from various title styles. E.g., marginal titles and to change the font of all headings with a single command, also providing simple one-step page styles. Also includes a package to change the page styles when there are floats in a page. You may assign headers/footers to individual floats, too.
- atbegshi providing various commands to be executed before a
command. It makes use of e-TEX’s facilities if they are available.
- geometry provides an easy and flexible user interface to customize page layout, implementing auto-centering and auto-balancing mechanisms so that the users have only to give the least description for the page layout. For example, if you want to set each margin 2cm without header space, what you need is just
- Draw
- Text Formatting
- xunicode supports XETEX’s (and other putative future similar engines’) need for Unicode characters, in a similar way to what the fontenc does for 8-bit (and the like) fonts: convert accent-glyph sequence to a single Unicode character for output.
- montserrat is a geometric sans-serif typeface designed by Julieta Ulanovsky. It is provided in a total of nine different weights, each having eight figure styles and small caps in both upright and italic shapes.
- xcolor provides easy driver-independent access to several kinds of colors, tints, shades, tones, and mixes of arbitrary colors by means of color expressions like
. - currency facilitates the formatting of currencies (amounts and units). It is based on the siunitx package for printing numbers. For instance, this code in the preamble defines a EUR monetary unit
that will be used later by\dEUR{123} or \dEUR[kind=plural]{123}
. - arydshln is to draw dash-lines in array/tabular environments. Horizontal lines are drawn by
while vertical ones can be specified as a part of the preamble using:
. The shape of dash-lines may be controlled through style parameters or optional arguments. - fontawesome5 provides LATEX support for the included “Font Awesome 5 Free” icon set. These icons were designed by Fort Awesome and released under the SIL OFL 1.1 license.
- hyperref is used to handle cross-referencing commands in LATEX to produce hypertext links in the document.
- Text positionning
- ragged2e defines new commands
, and\RaggedRight
and new environments Center, FlushLeft, and FlushRight, which set ragged text and are easily configurable to allow hyphenation - longfbox provides framed boxes that can be customized using standard CSS attributes.
- enumitem provides user control over the layout of the three basic list environments: enumerate, itemize and description.
- ragged2e defines new commands
- Tabular
- spreadtab allows the user to construct tables in a manner similar to a spreadsheet. The cells of a table have row and column indices and these can be used in formulas to generate values in other cells.
- hhline The command
produces a line like\hline
, or a double line like\hline\hline
, except for its interaction with vertical lines. The command takes a preamble (rather like the preamble of a tabular environment), and this specifies whether there are to be one or two horizontal lines, and what happens when the horizontal line meets a vertical one.
- Internationalisation
- polyglossia provides a complete Babel replacement for users of LuaLATEX and XELATEX; it relies on the fontspec package, version 2.0 at least.
- Page Layout
apt-get install pandoc texlive-xetex lmodern texlive-fonts-recommended texlive-fonts-extra texlive-science
brew tap homebrew/cask-fonts brew install texlive pandoc font-montserrat
Copy the yaml template for a new invoice (let us suppose the yaml template is example.yml
). Modify it appropriatelly and run:
make with yml=example.yml
which outputs example.pdf