Simple POC of a plugin to sort code units using treesitter.
Using lazy.nvim:
return {
cmd = "TSort",
config = function()
dependencies = {
-- Optional, but highly recommended
To sort units of a certain type, use the TSort
command. For example, to sort function definitions in a C file:
:TSort function_definition
This will result in all functions in the most narrow scope from the cursor position gets resorted in alphabetical order.
If you want to sort multiple types of nodes, simply add them additional arguments:
:TSort function_definition declaration
This will sort functions and variable declarations individually and keep them separate.
If instead you want to sort these node types as a single list of nodes, you can sort nodes of multiple types together using groups of types. Members of a single group are connected using a +
:TSort function_definition+declaration method
You can use TSort in visual mode to only sort nodes within the selected range:
:'<,'>TSort function_definition
require("treesorter").sort({ groups = { "function_definition+declaration", "method" } })
require("treesorter").sort({ groups = { "function_definition" }, range = { start = 1, end = 2 } })
require("treesorter").sort({ groups = { "function_definition" }, bufnr = 1 })
require("treesorter").sort({ groups = { "function_definition" }, pos = { 1, 2 } })
If nvim-treesitter-textobjects
is installed, you can directly use treesitter captures instead of types in your sort groups, i.e:
:TSort @function.outer
This is handy for when you might want to create a global mapping that uses the same sortgroup regardless of filetype:
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("n", "<leader>sf", ":TSort @function.outer<CR>", { noremap = true, silent = true })