- Terrorism and Social Media 2019
- To submit your proposal, please send: (1) the title of your presentation; (2) an abstract of up to 250 words; and, (3) a brief (one paragraph) biography to [email protected] no later than Friday 28th September 2018.
Jobs and PhDs
- PhD Studentship: Honeypot-Bot: Developing Social Media Bots for Engaging with Malicious Actors
- Do you want to work with us and write for Our World in Data? Here's how you can apply!
Introduction to R/Tidyverse
Bookdown Contest
- Global_Terrorism_Database_Thesis
- mindr bookdown
- Programming for Psychologists: Data Creation and Analysis
- Creating Posters
- Dissertation Example
- PhD thesis/Working Paper template
Machine Learning
- Code for Workshop: Intro to Machine Learning w/ R
- Big Data Analysis in the Social Sciences
- Hands-on Machine Learning with R
- Meme Pipeline
Topic Models
Web Scraping
- rvest and Rselenium @ useR2018
- Automated Collection of Web and Social Data
- {Rcrawler}
- YouTube Channel Analysis - Identifying Influencers-and-Haters
Non-Standard Evaluation (NSE)
- Tidy Eval Meets ggplot2 - The Bang Bang Plots
- {friendlyeval} A friendly interface to tidyeval/rlang that will excuse itself when you're done
- Programming in the Tidyvderse - Slides
Hugo Academic
- Tips for using the Hugo academic theme
- Awesome Website based on the Hugo Academic theme
- Hugo Shortcodes
- Building a Multilevel Model in BRMS Tutorial: Popularity Data
- Statistical Rethinking with brms, ggplot2, and the tidyverse
Artsy Stuff
Interesting Packages
Python and R
- {runner} Rolling functions
- How to create colored titles
- R Markdown Scroll
- Reproducible Research with rrtools
- Multiple Regression Is Not Multiple Regressions: The Meaning of Multiple Regression and the Non-Problem of Collinearity
- Alternative Influence: Broadcasting the Reactionary Right on YouTube
Qualitative Data