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Setting up and Accessing R Studio on Virtual Machine

Matomo Niwano edited this page Mar 18, 2021 · 3 revisions

From the previous page, all the neccesary files have been retrieved from the server, and the preparation for analysis has been completed. For subsequent analysis using DADA2, R-Studio environment on Virtual Machine on the AWI server is required.

VM on AWI Confluence page:

  1. Go to

  2. There is a new virtual machine blueprint available in the market place called "Bioinformatics VM"

  3. Apply for Bioinformatics VM and click the checkbox "R-Studio" which runs R4.0 in the background

  4. After success application, an email containing the IP address will be sent. This IP address + the port number 80 are used to access R-Studio server in web browser. (e.g.


  • The VM can be accessed via a terminal (mobaXterm) through this login command ssh (IP address prvided from your deployment page in the market place)
  • The Ollie file systems are not part of the file system of the virtual machine. Therefore, data from Ollie need to be transfered to the Virtual Machine ("isilon" data strage).
    • To transfer data to the "isilon" data storage, one can create a own directory under "/isibhv/projects/FRAMdata/ and copy all the neccesary files there.
    • run scp -r /path/on/ollie/to/your/data/ [email protected]:/isibhv/projects/FRAMdata/maniwano
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