A portfolio project to show my knowledge about kotlin development for Android.
A social media similar to Twitter made for dolphins to communicate and talk about their day and life stuffs. With this application they can create posts with a limited amount of characters and repost others' posts; Also they can quote a post giving their opinion about that thing.
ATTENTION All user's data are mocked and there are some mocked posts but you can create some new posts.
The project was structured based on Clean Architecture using MVVM.
- Material: For layout stylization.
- Coroutines/Live data: To work with asynchronous functions.
- Jetpack: Used only the Navigation.
- Realm: For local data storage.
- Retrofit: For RESTFull API communication.
- OkHTTP: For HTTP requests.
To execute this application you just need to install the Android Studio and run the application on you own cellphone or in the Android Emulator.
To install Android Studio just follow these steps Install Android Studio.
ATTENTION: This application only runs on Android M (API 23) or higher versions.