This code is a simple implementation of Caesar Cipher, a basic encryption technique where each letter in the message is shifted by a certain number of positions (defined by the key) in the alphabet. The process is reversible by shifting in the opposite direction to decrypt the message.
Encryption (
encrypt(message, key)
):- The function takes two inputs: "message" (the plain text to encrypt) and "key"(the number of positions to shift the letters).
- It loops through each character of the message. If the character is a letter:
- It checks if it's lowercase or uppercase.
- For lowercase letters, it shifts within the lowercase range ('a' to 'z`), and for uppercase, it shifts within the uppercase range ('A' to 'Z').
- Non-alphabetic characters are left unchanged.
- The encrypted message is returned.
Key point: Shifting is done using the ASCII values (ord()) of characters and then converting them back using chr(). The shift is controlled by the key, and % 26 ensures that the shift wraps around the alphabet.
Decryption (
decrypt(encrypted_message, key)
):- The decryption process mirrors encryption but shifts letters backward (by subtracting the key).
- Like encryption, it handles both lowercase and uppercase letters, and non-alphabetic characters are returned unchanged.
- After looping through each character and reversing the shift, the original message is restored.
Main Function (
):- This is the entry point of the program where:
- The user is prompted to enter a message and a key (0-25).
- The message is passed to the
function to get the encrypted message. - The encrypted message is then passed to the
function to retrieve the original message.
- The encrypted and decrypted messages are displayed.
- This is the entry point of the program where:
- If you input
"Hello World"
with a key of3
, the encryption will shift each letter by 3 positions:- "H" becomes "K", "e" becomes "h", etc.
- The encrypted message might be "Khoor Zruog".
- Decrypting it with the same key shifts the letters back, restoring the original message: "Hello World".