Simple CodeIgniter library to compress CSS and JavaScript files on the fly.
Library is based on few other scripts like http://code.google.com/p/minify/ or https://code.google.com/p/cssmin to minify CSS and it uses Google Closure compiler to compress JavaScript
###INSTALATION: Just put Minify.php file in libraries path, and create config file on config directory.
####Configure the library: All directories needs to be writable.
// output path where the compiled files will be stored
$config['assets_dir'] = 'assets/';
// where to look for css files
$config['css_dir'] = 'assets/css';
// where to look for js files
$config['js_dir'] = 'assets/js';
// compression engine setting
$config['compression_engine'] = array(
'css' => 'minify', // minify || cssmin
'js' => 'closurecompiler' // jsmin || closurecompiler || jsminplus
####Available engines CSS - minify or cssmin - both of them are local, just try out which one is better for you, JS - closurecompiler makes API call to external server, it's slower then regular inline engine, but it's super efficient with compression, jsmin and jsminplus are local
####Run the library In the controller
//load the library
In view
// add css files
$this->minify->css(array('reset.css', 'style.css', 'tinybox.css'));
// add js files
$this->minify->js(array('html5.js', 'main.js'));
// bool argument for rebuild css (false means skip rebuilding).
echo $this->minify->deploy_css(TRUE);
//Output: '<link href="path-to-compiled-css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />'
// rebuild js (false means skip rebuilding).
echo $this->minify->deploy_js();
//Output: '<script type="text/javascript" src="path-to-compiled-js"></script>'.
20 Apr 2015
- Closure compilerconfiguration extracted to config file
22 Mar 2015
- method chaining support
- new methods:
- gives ability for adding files to existing files arrays - added support to run library with custom array config, assigned as second parameter (during loading) $this->load->library('minify', $config);
- added support for groups in files arrays - as second (optional) parameter in methods:
(i.e. $this->minify->js(array('script.js'), 'extra'); - default group name is default) - added support for strings as first parameter in methods:
(i.e. $this->minify->js('first.js, second.js');) - added support for automatic files names: $config['auto_names'] = TRUE;
- external compression classes moved to minify folder
- unit tests for new features
10 Feb 2015
- Unit testing
09 Feb 2015
- 2 new engines to compres JS files
- documentation update
13 Oct 2014
- changed way of generating JS file
14 July 2014
- small bug fixes in JS compression
4 July 2014
- sample JavaScript files to see how it works
- detection of empty JS file couses force refresh
23 May 2014
- you can chose your compression engine library in config file (CSS only)
- speed optimisations
- force CSS rewrite using $this->minify->deploy_css(TRUE);
11 Mar 2014
- completly rewrite CSS parser - uses cssmin compress CSS,
- detects file modification time no longer force rewrites,
- example usage now included withing app
Report theme here: https://github.com/slav123/CodeIgniter-minify/issues
This project is build with PHP Storm