NVIDIA GVDB is a new library and SDK for compute, simulation and rendering of sparse volumetric data. Details on the GVDB technology can be found at: http://developer.nvidia.com/gvdb
5/1/2017, GVDB Voxels, Release 1.0 Created: Rama Hoetzlein, 2017
- First public release
- Open source (BSD 3-clause)
- Samples: g3DPrint, gFluidSurface, gInteractiveGL, gInteractiveOptix, gJetsonTX, gRenderKernel, gRenderToFile, gSprayDeposit
- Builds on Windows and Linux
- Runs on Quadro, GeForce, JetsonTX1/2, and Tegra/GRID
NVIDIA Kepler generation or later GPU Windows 7, 8, 10 64-bit Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 or higher CUDA Toolkit 6.5 or higher (Toolkit 8.0 recommended) CMake-GUI 2.7 or later OptiX 3.9.0 or later (InteractivOptix sample only, download from NVIDIA)
GVDB is released as a library with samples. The library and each sample is built separately, using cmake.
- Code Samples
See the included GVDB_Samples_Description.pdf for detailed sample descriptions.
- gRenderToFile - Renders a sparse volume to a file using GVDB
- gRenderToKernel - Renders a sparse volume using a custom user-kernel
- gInteractiveGL - Interactive rendering of a volume using GVDB and OpenGL
- gInteractiveOptiX - Interactive rendering of a volume and a polygonal model, with poly-to-poly and poly-to-voxel interactions.
- g3DPrint - Demonstrates generating cross section slices for 3D printing from a polygonal model
- gSprayDeposit - Demostrates simulated spray deposition onto a 3D part
- gFluidSim - Demostrates a dynamic simulation with surface rendering by GVDB
- gJetsonTX - Simple 3D Printing Driver for the JetsonTX1/2 with volume slicing on Tegra chip
- GVDB VBX File Specfication
- GVDB Sample Descriptions
- GVDB Programming Guide
All interactive samples use the following user input interface Camera rotation -> move mouse Change orientation -> left mouse click Zoom -> right mouse click Panning -> hold middle button A few samples have on-screen GUIs with features that can be toggled by clicking on them.
Unpackage GVDB and samples a. Unzip the GVDB SDK package to \gvdb\source
Install dependencies a. Install cmake-gui 2.7 or later b. Install CUDA Toolkit 8.0 c. Install OptiX 3.9.0 or later (for gInteractiveOptix sample)
Build gvdb_library a. Run cmake-gui. Where is source code: /gvdb/source/gvdb_library Where to build bins: /gvdb/build/gvdb_library b. Click Configure to prepare gvdb_library c. Click Generate d. Open /gvdb/build/gvdb_library/gvdb_library.sln in VS2010/2013 e. Build the solution in Debug or Release mode. * For whichever mode, you must build later samples with same build type. f. The gvdb_library must be built prior to running cmake for any sample.
Build any sample, e.g. g3DPrint a. Run cmake-gui. Where is source code: /gvdb/source/g3DPrint Where to build bins: /gvdb/build/g3DPrint b. Click Configure to prepare g3DPrint c. You should see that cmake locates the GVDB Library paths automatically * Specify any paths that cmake indicated are needed
d. Click Generate e. Open /gvdb/build/g3DPrint/g3DPrint.sln in VS2010/2013 f. Build the solution -
Run the sample! a. Select g3DPrint as the start up project. b. Click run/debug
Pre-requisites a. Install CMake sudo apt-get install cmake-qt-gui b. Install the CUDA Toolkit 7.5 or later sudo ./cuda_7.5.18_linux.run * Must be done first, before you install NVIDIA drivers c. Install the NVIDIA R367 drivers or later * These can be downloaded from the NVIDIA website d. Remove the symoblic libGL, which may incorrectly point to the libGL mesa driver. sudo rm -rf /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libGL.so e. Link the libGL to the NVIDIA driver sudo ln -s /usr/lib/nvidia-367/libGL.so /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libGL.so
Install OptiX [optional, for gInteractiveOptiX sample only]
- OptiX is distributed as a .sh file, which extracts to the current dir.
- Create a directory for optix in /usr/lib and move the package there before extracting. $ sudo mkdir /usr/lib/optix $ sudo mv NVIDIA-OptiX-SDK-4.0.1-linux64.sh /usr/lib/optix $ cd /usr/lib/optix $ sudo ./NVIDIA-OptiX-SDK-4.0.1.-linux64.sh
Set LD_LIBRARY_PATH in bashrc a. Open .bashrc. For example: $ emacs ~/.bashrc b. Add the following at the end: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/gvdb/lib:/usr/lib/optix/lib64 * The first path should be the location of libgvdb.so (once installed) * The second path should be the location of optix.so c. Source the bash (re-run it) $ source ~/.bashrc
Build the GVDB Library a. Unpackage the source tar.gz file b. mkdir ~/codes/build/gvdb_library # make a folder for the build c. cmake-gui # run cmake-gui with the following settings: i. source: ~/codes/source/gvdb_library ii. build: ~/codes/build/gvdb_library iii. Click Configure, and the nGenerate iv. cd ~/codes/build/gvdb_library v. sudo make
vi. sudo make install # default install is to /usr/local/gvdb -
Build a specific Sample a. Unpackage the source tar.gz file b. mkdir ~/codes/build/g3DPrint # make a folder for the build c. cmake-gui # run cmake-gui with the following settings: i. source: ~/codes/source/g3DPrint ii. build: ~/codes/build/g3DPrint iii. Click Configure, and the nGenerate * Note: If GVDB is not found, set the GVDB_ROOT_DIR to /usr/local/gvdb or your preferred gvdb install location from step 4. iv. cd ~/codes/build/g3DPrint v. make vi. make install # remember to do 'make install' to get all files d. Run the sample! ./g3DPrint
BSD 3-clause. Please refer to License.txt
2017 (c) NVIDIA