With nx-chartBox you are able to publish charts on your joomla Website. nx-chartBox uses the charts.js Framework to create Bar, Doughnut, Pie, Line, Area or PolarArea charts.
nx-chartBox with all its features is actually free to download for joomla 3.x users.
There will also be a free version in the future but with limited features.
Please keep in mind - this is a new Project and its actually an early Beta.
Install the module via joomla's installation Panel. After the installation you can create a new Module Instance via the modules Panel. In the module settings you have two essential tabs, the Chart Data & the Chart Options Tab.
In the Chart Data Tab you can add your data for the chart. Click on the Plus Symbol to add a new dataset.
Here you can name your Data - let's call our first dataset Apples.
Here you can enter some detail Text if you like, in a later Release this will be the PopUp Infotext.
Here you can enter the value - in our example, how much Apples we have?
Choose the Color for your Data in rgba Mode. Each dataset can have a different Color.
Choose the Bordercolor for your dataset in rgba Mode. Each dataset can have a different Color.
Each chart can have its own title (please note, we are not talking about the module title!) - Here you can first configure if a chart title should be displayed or not.
If the option Display Chart Title is set to yes you can here enter your Title for this chart.
If the option Display Chart Title is set to yes you can here select the Size for your title.
Here you can select the charttype, nx-chartBox currently supports
- Line Chart
- Bar Chart
- Pie Chart
- Doughnut Chart
- Polar Chart