A collection of scripts for BigBlueButton admins including extracting IP of users joining, participants attendance and poll answers.
# pass the most recent 10 meetings to get their summary
ls -1tr /var/bigbluebutton/recording/raw/ | tail -n 10 | xargs -l ./meeting_analytics.sh
# pass individual meeting to get its summary
./meeting_analytics.sh <meeting-id>
# get the summary of meetings conducted on 2 Nov
find /var/bigbluebutton/recording/raw/ -maxdepth 1 -newerct "2 Nov" ! -newerct "3 Nov" -printf "%f\n" | xargs -l ./meeting_analytics.sh
Sample Meeting Analytics:
- Id of meeting
- Whether recorded or not
- bbb-context and bbb-server-name
- Meeting name
- Unique participant count
- Meeting start time
- Meeting end time
- List of participants with their name, role (Viewer | Moderator) and join time
ruby meeting_poll.rb sample_events_poll.xml
will extract polls answers from the given events.xml
. The output is in JSON format that you can export and use are per your requirements.
First you should find out <internal-meeting-id>
of the meeting for which you want to extract poll analytics.
Next, find out corresponding events.xml
for the given <internal-meeting-id>
from the following location /var/bigbluebutton/recording/raw/<internal-meeting-id>/events.xml
Lastly, run the script as shown above ruby meeting_poll.rb events.xml
For reference, I have included a sample events.xml
which is having some poll data. Upon executing, you will see users' data with their polls responses in JSON format.
# Show result in the form: IP datetime name
Sample result:
- Meeting name and count
- Start time
- Size in MB
- Duration in minute
- Playback url
ls -ltr /mnt/scalelite-recordings/var/bigbluebutton/published/presentation/ | awk '{print $9}' | xargs -l ./bbb-analytics-recording.sh
Sampple result:
- Meeting Id
- Size in MB/KB
to the domain of the Moodle (or any other) server from where the BBB Meetings are created. You can find this value from metadata.xml > meta > bbb-origin-server-name of any recording.
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