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Connection Pool based on Swoole with balancer feature implementation


  • int maxActive (default: 2) - The maximum number of active connections that can be allocated from this pool at the same time
  • int minActive (default: 0) - The minimum number of established connections that should be kept in the pool at all times
  • float maxWaitTime (default: 5.0) - The maximum number of seconds that the pool will wait (when there are no available connections) for a connection to be returned before throwing an exception. Zero value (0.0) will disable wait timeout.
  • float validationInterval (default: 5.0) - The number of seconds to sleep between runs of the idle connection validation/cleaner timer. This value should not be set under 1 second. Zero value will disable validate connections timer.
  • int maxIdleTime (default: 60) - The minimum amount of time (seconds) a connection may sit idle in the pool before it is eligible for closing. Zero value will disable idle connections freeing.
  • int maxLifeTime (default: 0) - The maximum amount of time (seconds) a connection may exist in the pool before it is eligible for closing. Zero value will disable expired connections freeing.
  • bool testOnBorrow (default: true) - The indication of whether objects will be validated before being borrowed from the pool. If the object fails to validate, it will be dropped from the pool, and we will attempt to borrow another.
  • bool testOnReturn (default: true) - The indication of whether objects will be validated before being returned to the pool
  • bool resetConnections (default: false) - Reset the connection to its initial state when it is borrowed from the pool

All of these parameters can be changed at runtime.


  • init - Initialize (start) connection pool
  • close - Close (stop) connection pool
  • getStats - Get connection pool statistics
  • pop (default visibility: protected) - Borrow connection from pool. May throw BorrowTimeoutException when waiting of free connection is timed out (read maxWaitTime parameter doc). May throw PoolIsClosedException when connection pool is closed.
  • push (default visibility: protected) - Return connection to pool


  • getIdleCount - Get idle connections count
  • getTotalCount - Get count of connections created by the pool
  • getMaxActive - read maxActive parameter doc
  • getMinActive - read minActive parameter doc
  • getMaxWaitTime - read maxWaitTime parameter doc
  • getMaxIdleTime - read maxIdleTime parameter doc
  • getMaxLifeTime - read maxLifeTime parameter doc
  • getValidationInterval - read validationInterval parameter doc
  • getTestOnBorrow - read testOnBorrow parameter doc
  • getTestOnReturn - read testOnReturn parameter doc
  • getResetConnections - read resetConnections parameter doc


  • setMaxActive - read maxActive parameter doc
  • setMinActive - read minActive parameter doc
  • setMaxWaitTime - read maxWaitTime parameter doc
  • setMaxIdleTime - read maxIdleTime parameter doc
  • setMaxLifeTime - read maxLifeTime parameter doc
  • setValidationInterval - read validationInterval parameter doc
  • setTestOnBorrow - read testOnBorrow parameter doc
  • setTestOnReturn - read testOnReturn parameter doc
  • setResetConnections - read resetConnections parameter doc

Complete example (HTTP Connection Pool)



require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use MakiseCo\Connection\ConnectionConfig;
use MakiseCo\Connection\ConnectionConfigInterface;
use MakiseCo\Connection\ConnectionInterface;
use MakiseCo\Connection\ConnectorInterface;
use MakiseCo\Pool\Exception\BorrowTimeoutException;
use MakiseCo\Pool\Pool;
use Swoole\Coroutine;
use Swoole\Coroutine\Channel;
use Swoole\Coroutine\Http\Client;

use function Swoole\Coroutine\run;

class HttpResponse
    public string $content;
    public int $statusCode;

    public function __construct(string $content, int $statusCode)
        $this->content = $content;
        $this->statusCode = $statusCode;

interface HttpConnectionInterface extends ConnectionInterface
     * Perform GET request
     * @param string $path
     * @return HttpResponse
     * @throws RuntimeException on connection problems
    public function get(string $path): HttpResponse;

class HttpConnectionConfig extends ConnectionConfig
    private float $timeout;
    private bool $ssl;

    public function __construct(string $host, int $port, ?bool $ssl = null, float $timeout = 30)
        $this->timeout = $timeout;

        if ($ssl === null) {
            $ssl = $port === 443;

        $this->ssl = $ssl;

        parent::__construct($host, $port, null, null, null);

    public function getTimeout(): float
        return $this->timeout;

    public function getSsl(): bool
        return $this->ssl;

    public function getConnectionString(): string
        return '';

class HttpConnection implements HttpConnectionInterface
    private Client $client;
    private int $lastUsedAt;
    private bool $isClosed = false;

    public function __construct(Client $client)
        $this->client = $client;
        $this->lastUsedAt = time();

    public function __destruct()

    public function isAlive(): bool
        return !$this->isClosed;

    public function close(): void
        if ($this->isClosed) {

        $this->isClosed = true;

    public function getLastUsedAt(): int
        return $this->lastUsedAt;

    public function resetSession(): void

    public static function connect(HttpConnectionConfig $config): self
        $client = new Client($config->getHost(), $config->getPort(), $config->getSsl());
        $client->set(['timeout' => $config->getTimeout()]);

        return new self($client);

     * @param string $path
     * @return HttpResponse
     * @throws RuntimeException on connection errors
    public function get(string $path): HttpResponse
        $this->lastUsedAt = time();


        $code = $this->client->getStatusCode();

        return new HttpResponse(

    private function checkStatusCode(int $code): void
            throw new RuntimeException('Connection failed');

            throw new RuntimeException('Request timeout');

            throw new RuntimeException('Server has closed connection unexpectedly');

class HttpConnector implements ConnectorInterface
     * @param HttpConnectionConfig|ConnectionConfigInterface $config
     * @return HttpConnection
    public function connect(ConnectionConfigInterface $config): HttpConnection
        return HttpConnection::connect($config);

class HttpPool extends Pool implements HttpConnectionInterface
    protected function createDefaultConnector(): HttpConnector
        return new HttpConnector();

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @throws BorrowTimeoutException
    public function get(string $path): HttpResponse
        $connection = $this->pop();

        try {
            return $connection->get($path);
        } finally {

run(static function () {
    $httpPool = new HttpPool(new HttpConnectionConfig('', 80));

    $tasks = [

    $ch = new Channel();

    $start = microtime(true);

    foreach ($tasks as $task) {
        Coroutine::create(static function (Channel $ch, string $path) use ($httpPool) {
            $result = new class {
                public string $task;
                public ?HttpResponse $success = null;
                public ?Throwable $fail = null;

            $result->task = $path;

            try {
                $result->success = $httpPool->get($path);
            } catch (Throwable $e) {
                $result->fail = $e;
        }, $ch, $task);

    $results = [];
    for ($i = 0, $iMax = \count($tasks); $i < $iMax; $i++) {
        $results[] = $ch->pop();

    $end = microtime(true);

    foreach ($results as $result) {
        if ($result->fail !== null) {
            printf("Task: %s failed with: %s\n", $result->task, $result->fail->getMessage());


        printf("Task: %s returned %d status code\n", $result->task, $result->success->statusCode);

    printf("\nResults fetched in %.4f secs\n\n", round($end - $start, 4));

    $stats = $httpPool->getStats();

    printf("Connections limit = %d\n", $stats->maxActive);
    printf("Connections count = %d\n", $stats->totalCount);
    printf("Idle connections = %d\n", $stats->idle);
    printf("Busy connections = %d\n", $stats->inUse);

    printf("Total wait time for an available connections = %f secs\n", $stats->waitDuration);
    printf("Total wait count = %d\n", $stats->waitCount);
    printf("Average wait time per one connection = %f secs\n", $stats->waitDuration / $stats->waitCount);


Output is:

Task: /test returned 404 status code
Task: / returned 301 status code
Task: /search returned 301 status code
Task: /help returned 404 status code
Task: /query returned 404 status code
Task: /images returned 301 status code
Task: /mail returned 301 status code
Task: /videos returned 404 status code

Results fetched in 0.1483 secs

Connections limit = 4
Connections count = 4
Idle connections = 4
Busy connections = 0
Total wait time for an available connections = 0.380008 secs
Total wait count = 4
Average wait time per one connection = 0.095002 secs