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Felix Schmitz edited this page Dec 3, 2022 · 8 revisions

Data Source


Crop Codes: 2019 | 2020

License Term

"Sukladno Strategiji Nacionalne infrastrukture prostornih podataka 2020., Strateškom planu Nacionalne infrastrukture prostornih podatka za razdoblje 2017. – 2020. i Zakonu o nacionalnoj infrastrukturi prostornih podataka (NN 56/13, 52/18), Agencija za plaćanja u poljoprivredi, ribarstvu i ruralnom razvoju (u daljnjem tekstu: Agencija za plaćanja) evidentirana je kao subjekt NIPP-a, sa obvezom da se prostorni podaci iz nadležnosti institucije omogućuju zainteresiranoj javnosti za pretraživanje, pregled i preuzimanje. Sukladno navedenoj obvezi Agencija za plaćanja omogućuje pregledavanje i dohvaćanje prostornih podataka iz ARKOD sustava svim zainteresiranim korisnicima."

"In accordance with the National Spatial Data Infrastructure Strategy 2020, the Strategic Plan of the National Spatial Data Infrastructure for the period 2017-2020 and the National Spatial Data Infrastructure Act (OG 56/13, 52/18), the Agency for Payments in Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development (hereinafter: the Paying Agency) is registered as a subject of the NSDI, with the obligation to provide spatial data within the competence of the institution to the interested public for search, review and download. In accordance with the stated obligation, the Paying Agency enables all interested users to view and retrieve spatial data from the ARKOD system."

Attribute table and feature description

Original attribute table column name
land_use_id code of land use
home_name home name
area area (in sq m)
perim perimeter
slope slope of parcel (in %)
z_avg average height (in m)
eligibility_coef acceptance coefficient
mines_status demining status
mines_year_removed year of demining
water_protect_zone water protection area
natura2000 NATURA2000 (in m2)
natura2000_ok Natura2000 - mowing delay
natura2000_pop inside NATURA2000 POP
natura2000_povs inside NATURA2000 POVS
anc restricted surface
anc_area area of restricted surface (in m2)
rp vulnerable areas
sanitary_protection_zone sanitary protection zone
tvpv meadow with high degree of natural value
ot_nat environmentally sensitive permanent meadow
ot_nat_area environmentally sensitive permanent meadow - surface
irrigation irrigation
irrigation_source irrigation source
irrigation_type type of irrigation

Available years

2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021

Largest classes and stats

Data from 2020:

15 different classes

1,381,932 unique parcels

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